13 collocations for ne

Hieronyme Cardane ne me male capias).

Send the child with us that we may go forth and live, and that we ne our children die not for hunger.

Undre the firmament, is not so gret a lord, ne so myghty, ne so riche, as the gret Chane: nought Prestre Johan, that is Emperour of the highe Ynde, ne the Sowdan of Babylone, ne the Emperour of Persye.

Christ himself forsooth began He may renew both bower and hall: No better counsel I ne kan am capable of.

Then his brethren after the death of their father spake together privily, and dreading that Joseph would avenge the wrong and evil that they had done to him, came to him and said: Thy father commanded us ere he died that we should say thus to thee: We pray thee that thou wilt forget, and not remember the sin and trespass of thy brethren, ne the malice that they executed in thee.

rien ne me divertit autant que d'entendre prononcer mon nom dans les marchés, que d'acheter aux crieurs des rues ma condamnation, que d'interroger un gendarme qui pourrait me mettre la main sur le collet ... et de lui parler de moi.

Tu ne me haïrois pas?

Alors il dit:je veux habiter sous la terre, Comme dans son sépulcre un homme solitaire; Rien ne me verra plus, je ne verrai plus rien.

rien ne me presse!...

Vous ne me devez rien! HENRI.

je vois que je ne me suis pas trompé en te choisissant.... HENRI.

And the man inclined down to the ground and worshipped God saying: Blessed be the Lord God of my lord Abraham, which hath not taken away his mercy ne his truth from my lord, and hath brought me in my journey right into the house of my lord's brother.

He saw our Lord in his sleep saying to him: Beware that thou speak not angrily ne hard words to Jacob.

13 collocations for  ne