472 collocations for omits

4to 1671 omits this whole line.

In the other case, the prayer Indulgentiam, omitting the word martyr, is to be said.

There Varus gratified at once his vanity, his rhetorical tastes, and his avarice, by holding courts, to which he summoned the Germans for the settlement of all their disputes, while a bar of Roman advocates attended to argue the cases before the tribunal of Varus, who did not omit the opportunity of exacting court fees and accepting bribes.

As I had omitted all mention of the most serious part of my adventurehad said nothing of my vision of Carmel or the terrible conclusions which her presence there had awakenedmy conscience was in a state of perturbation which added greatly to my confusion.

Boone himself laid the case before the President, omitting certain details not essential to the showing of the monstrous injustice done a brave soldier.

'I will only add, that if I have omitted any thing, that would have given you farther satisfaction; or if the above terms be short of what you would wish; you will be pleased to supply them as you think fit.

Even in his narrative of the plague which seems so long, if you consider the multiplicity of events, you will find he makes as much haste as possible, and omits many circumstances, though he was obliged to retain so many more.

(I omit such passages as are not directly concerned with Keats): 'SIR, 'Should you cast your eye on the signature of this letter before you read the contents, you might imagine that they related to a slanderous paper which appeared in your Review some time since....

If the quenelles are not firm enough, add the yolk of another egg, but omit the white, which only makes them hollow and puffy inside.

[-10-] I, accordingly, shall omit an accurate and detailed description of all the events,it would be a vast undertaking and would not add much to the history,but shall relate what I deem to be most worthy of remembrance.

[Footnote 2: It is characteristic of the way history is written in time of war that M. Yves Guyot, citing Giolitti's statement, omits the references to Germany.

When this poem was revised, in the year 1815with a view to its insertion in the first edition of the collected worksWordsworth merely omitted large portions of it, and some of its best passages were struck out.

In the motion now before us, I cannot concur, because, though it should be allowed to contain a just representation of foreign affairs, yet it appears to me to omit those considerations which I think it the duty of this house to offer to his majesty.

'DEAR SIR, 'Considering what reason you gave me in the spring to conclude that you took part in whatever good or evil might befal me, I ought not to have omitted so long the account which I am now about to give you.

4to 1677 omits this stage direction.

We have described the most important of the three functions that take place in the infant's body-respiration and digestion; the third, namely, circulation, we hardly think it necessary to enter on, not being called for by the requirements of the nurse and mother; so we shall omit its notice, and proceed from theoretical to more practical considerations.

It contains certain expressions which a writer subsequent to the Council of Chalcedon (451) would have been most unlikely to employ, and omits certain expressions which such a writer would have been most unlikely to omit.

Yet he memorized the lessons without omitting a comma, although he understood scarcely any part of them.

And since my aim is the portrayal of character and influence, rather than the narration of historical annals, I have omitted vast numbers of interesting details, selecting only those of salient and vital importance.

Let me now recollect whatever particulars I have omitted.

We differ widely from our Continental allies on one great principle, it is true: nor do we, nor ought we to disguise that difference; nor to omit any occasion of practically upholding our own opinion.

We had three horses, for Dr. Johnson, myself, and Joseph, and one which carried our portmanteaus, and two Highlanders who walked along with us, John Hay and Lauchland Vass, whom Dr. Johnson has remembered with credit in his JOURNEY, though he has omitted their names.

" I have omitted two or three unessential stories in the analysis.

[550] On the subject of Lady Margaret Macdonald, it is impossible to omit an anecdote which does much honour to Frederick, Prince of Wales.

Upon a thorough review of the Duke's conduct and actions, I cannot reproach him with having omitted any precaution; and I feel that he merits being proposed as a model to all who by fortune or foreign arms succeed in acquiring sovereignty.

472 collocations for  omits