59 collocations for opposite

Under the latter, opposite each door, if I recollect rightly, is a stone or small stump, on which offerings are made of red dust and flowers.

This Rickman lives in our Buildings, immediately opposite our house; the finest fellow to drop in a' nights, about nine or ten o'clock,cold bread-and-cheese time,just in the wishing time of the night, when you wish for somebody to come in, without a distinct idea of a probable anybody.

At the second command, the pivot man of the front rank faces to the right in marching and takes the half step; the other men of the rank oblique to the right until opposite their places in line, then execute a second right oblique and take the half step on arriving abreast of the pivot man.

"To make a volte you have only to turn to the right and to keep turning, going steadily away from the wall until opposite your starting point, and then regaining it by a half-circle.

The enemy, on learning the circumstance from those who had escaped from Melodunum, set fire to Lutetia, and order the bridges of that town to be broken down: they themselves set out from the marsh, and take their position on the banks of the Seine, over against Lutetia and opposite the camp of Labienus.

Directly opposite the church there was a house with a notched roof and a single slender, sky-high tower.

They halted, however, before the Great Conduit, near the end of Bucklersbury, and opposite Mercer's Hall, because they perceived a company of the Train-bands advancing to meet them.

General Burnside had made arrangements to cross the river on pontoon bridges, one opposite the city, and another a mile or two lower down the stream.

When opposite the rock, they placed the Sacred Body on a long board covered with a sheet.

It was a "wonderful clear night of stars" when, having circled the town in his aimless wandering, he found himself opposite the schoolhouse gate and calm enough to allow his thoughts to dwell definitely upon Esther.

While all this was passing quickly through my mind, she suddenly made another bolt down the valley, and, when directly opposite our position, turned at right angles, crossed the brook, and came straight through the alders into the open, not eighty yards away from us.

The declining sun was now nearly opposite the cavern's mouth, and his rays, straggling through the creepers that wove their intricacies over the entrance, chequered with lustrous patches the forms of the dying girl and the meditating god.

caperuza, f., pointed cap, pointed hood, hood. capilla, f., chapel; maestro de , choir-master, one who composes and directs church music; mayor, main chapel (containing the pulpit and high altar, and in most Spanish churches opposite the coro and separated from the transept by a railing).

Directly opposite my covert he paused peering forward in uncertainty.

In the ordinary way, when visitors to Florence speak of the Baptistery doors they mean those opposite the Duomo, and when they go to the Bargello and look at the designs made by Ghiberti and Brunelleschi in competition, they think that the competition was for those.

A windlass and chain give the disk the motion that brings one of its apertures opposite the embrasure or that closes the latter.

A pause; then, in her voice, shy but resolute, the single word, "Come!" CHAPTER XXVIII THE DEAD THAT LIVE On the green oval within and opposite the entrance to the main campus of the great university there is the colossal statue of a master workman.

Our extract is, we hope, to the point: "It is curious to what an extent opposite feelings and opinions will colour even material scenes and objects to the eyes of different observers.

To this group Black Bart paid not the slightest heed but glided smoothly down the centre of the long room until he approached the tables at the end, where, in a corner, sat a squat, thick-chested man, and opposite him the most cadaverously lean fellow that Whistling Dan had ever seen.

Sally selected the long room on the left of the hall, its doorway directly opposite the fireplace, for the feminine portion of the family, announcing that the others could sleep in the hall itself.

The trio smiled mournfully at each other, then moving so that they stood upon the hearth immediately opposite the foot of Frantz's bed, and facing the affrighted young minister, he had full leisure to contemplate his strange visiters.

He only rang once, and then waited, posting himself immediately opposite a little grating let into the solid wood of the door.

I had an hour and more exactly opposite the Rustici group, on the same level, while waiting for the Scoppio del Carro, and I find it easy to believe that Leonardo himself had a hand in the work.

This I at last gained, and, to my no small astonishment, found myself by mere chance directly opposite the hotel where Louis and his suite were.

This stone or stone-bench stood about opposite the Red Lion inn, in front of the little row of houses that run east and west, just as you pass out of the village in a northerly direction by the Red Lion.

59 collocations for  opposite