63 collocations for outlast

So are the ages interwoven; and one may safely guess that the ploughthat very type!will outlast many generations of tanks.

" "Friends," said Beltane, "'tis by doings such as this that men do learn each other's worth: so shall the bonds betwixt us strengthen day by day, and join us in accord and brotherhood that shall outlast this puny life.

From time to time the shock of some great blast of air would seem to rock upon its foundations even that ancient pile, those heavy walls of hewn stone builded in times of honest workmanship by forgotten Sieurs de Montalais who had meant their home to outlast the ages.

The polished pillar different sculptures grace; A work outlasting monumental brass.

The mule, too, is well suited to plantation labor, and will outlast a horse at it.

Then the caprices of fashion, which in England are so various and despotic, have here a more limited influence: the form of a dress changes as long as the material is convertible, and when it has outlasted the possibility of adaptation to a reigning mode, it is not on that account rejected, but is generally worn in some way or other till banished by the more rational motive of its decay.

His Contrat Social might not, perhaps, in the eyes of a committee of philosophical Rhadmanthus's, atone for his occasional admiration of christianity: and thus some crime, either of church or state, disfranchise the whole race of immortals, and their fame scarcely outlast the dispute about their earthly remains.

But his fancy for her had scarcely outlasted his capture.

Moreover, the increased freedom of action for women will outlast its temporary cause.

It began before the bramble was chosen king of the trees, and it has outlasted the cedars of Lebanon.

I also now see clearly that I would not have left her if I had had a complete certainty that her feelings would outlast all changes in her life.

The taste had outlasted childhood, and she still practised the same secret pantomime, gliding in, settling her skirts, swaying her fan, moving her lips in soundless talk and laughter; but lately she had shrunk from everything that reminded her of her baffled social yearnings.

A very sanguine temperament may find in its novelty some compensation for its discomfort, but the novelty rarely outlasts the second day, while the discomfort seems to increase in a direct ratio with the length of the experience.

He had outlasted divers and many periods when catastrophe might have overwhelmed them, and now that the blackness which had shrouded a thousand unseen risks and perils had been swept aside, an almost overpowering reaction claimed him.

You have cut your moorings from the world, you are far from telegraphs and newspapers and all the frenzies of the life you have left behind you, you are alone with the lonely hills and the wide sky and the elemental things that have been from the beginning and will outlast all the tortured drama of men.

But it is now even betting that the Mesopotamia laundry-work will outlast the duration of the War.

Myself can never get past the glow and exhilaration of a storm, the wrestle of long dust-heavy winds, the play of live thunder on the rocks, nor past the keen fret of fatigue when the storm outlasts physical endurance.

I fear I have outlasted my epoch,I have lived to hear of white men, the most favored of races, the heirs of civilization, the conservators of liberty, howling like red Indians around a human being slowly roasting at the stake.

Yet they are outlasting the forage, and to-night against some opinion I decided Christopher must go.

This turned out to mean that his political enmities outlasted the good fortune of his enemies.

A people commemorating the past in a form that should outlast the future.

Their works still live all around us in Ireland, spread evenly through the four provinces, a world of the vanished past enduring among us into the present; and, so mightily did these old builders work, and with such large simplicity, that what they built will surely outlast every handiwork of our own day, and endure through numberless to-morrows, bridging the morning and evening twilight of our race.

Happily, these deep and solid forces of Nature are calculated to outlast the heyday of the blood, and to redeem its errors.

Poets and philosophers and statesmen thus spring up in the country pastures, and outlast the hosts of unoriginal men.

Mrs. Grappleton (re-entering with Mr. BOLDOVER, after a discussion that has outlasted two ices and a plate of strawberries).

63 collocations for  outlast