6 collocations for outstay

He was careful not to risk outstaying his welcome.

I am entirely clear of all sitters, having outstayed my last application; have been engaged in finishing off and packing up for two days past and contemplate embarking by the middle or end of the coming week in the steamship for New York.

Shall the lewd tricks of a wanton make you forget the jealous projects of the prince of Hohenzollern Hechingen, the elder branch of your illustrious house? Theodore pulled out his watch, that he might not outstay his appointment.

Schalken had one evening outstayed all his fellow-pupils, and still pursued his work in the deserted room.

De Forest outstayed the rest of the leave-takers.

The late father-confessor tried to outstay his new rival, but in vain; the padre deliberately announced his intention of taking a bed, and the vicar, with a heavy heart, rose to go to his inn.

6 collocations for  outstay