10 collocations for peace

100 Let endlesse peace your steadfast hearts accord, And blessed plentie wait upon your bord; And let your bed with pleasures chast abound.

He makes sin a jest, grace a humour, truth a fable, and peace a cowardice.

He closed by saying to Kossuth: "It is because you, Sir, have learned the truth that Peace is the first interest of no people,that there are other things more sacred than human life,that without Justice and Freedom life is only a mockery, and peace a delusion and a burden,it is because, when tyranny had terminated every duty of a subject, you too

Can we wonder that when each community was isolated from the otherswhen each, uninfluenced by the others, was spinning its separate web of social environment, which no individual can escape, that war should have been the rule and peace the exception?

'Oh! well, Lord Lion, hast thou said, Thy King from warfare to dissuade Were but a vain essay; For, by St. George, were that host mine, Nor power infernal, nor divine, Should once to peace my soul incline, Till I had dimmed their armor's shine In glorious battle-fray!'

What a pleasant and safe retreat, what a happy solitude was this for an old man to end in joy and peace a long and well-spent life!

Peace be yours no force can break; Peace not death hath power to shake; Peace from passion, sin, and gloom, Peace of spirit, heart, and home; Peace from peril, fear, and pain; Peace, until we meet again Meetbefore yon sculptured stone, Or the All-Commander's Throne.

For within the territorial limits of any great and permanent state, the tendency is for warfare to become the exception and peace the rule.

The carpenter, the herdsmen there A pious choral sounding; The maiden with the lily fair, And peace the whole surrounding; The wondrous star that beams on all From out the fields of heaven May it not be that in the stall The Christ is born this even?

"Peace and order and beauty draw Round thy symbol of light and law; "And ever the stars above look down On thy stars below in Frederick town!

10 collocations for  peace