115 collocations for penned

I now write lying on the grass with my gun cocked beside me, and penning these lines by the light of my Columbian candle, namely, an ignited piece of rosin-wood.

After receiving the news of his disgrace he rushed to his rooms and there penned a letter to his tutor full of thanks, regards, remorse and despair, requesting that his name might be taken off the college books, and intimating a wish that death might speedily end the woes of the disgraced Arthur Pendennis.

After penning a hasty farewell note to Miss CAROWTHERS, to the effect that urgent military reasons obliged her to see her guardian at once, FLORA lost no time in packing a small leather satchel for travel.

Dear little Moppet; Betty could almost see the frowns and puckered brow with which the child had penned the words.

The American who penned that sentence must possess a copy of the Scriptures unknown to the rest of the world.

I can't even put a few thoughts on paper for a newspaper, I engross when I should pen a paragraph.

I need not describe to you the expectations which such an one as myself, pent up all my life in a dirty city, have formed of a tour to the Lakes.

It was with feelings of this kind that he penned the following memorandum before going to Kornthal: 18th.

Married up, when a girl, to a man for whom she did not care, and having no children, she had indemnified herself by many flirtations, and the writing of two or three novels, in which she penned on paper the superfluous feeling which had no vent in real life.

The response everywhere was extremely generous and in appreciation of the aid given the war victims of her country Madame Vandervelde penned the following poem, entitled "Belgium Thanks America:"

The Press was unsparing in its denunciations of the generals, and of the ministry itself, in not providing against the contingencies of the war, which had pent up two large armies on a narrow peninsula, from which retreat was almost impossible in view of the superior forces of the enemy and the dreadful state of the roads.

If these things be not so, I never knew what I wrote or meant by my writing, and have been penning libels all my life without being aware of it.

" Heliodorus, a bishop, penned a love story of Theagines and Chariclea, and when some Catos of his time reprehended him for it, chose rather, saith Nicephorus, to leave his bishopric than his book.

While the baronet was penning these records of vicious schemesdire waste of wealth and timeirrevocable time!Marston paced his study in a very different frame of mind.

I am glad that I have from time to time penned down a few remarks by way of diary, although it has been done interruptedly and very imperfectly.

" To this note, which was unsigned, and evidently written under great agitation of mind, Emily had-penned the following reply: "SirIt is with much regret that I find myself reduced to the possibility of giving uneasiness to one to whom I am under such heavy obligations.

It was evident enough that all these reporters had been compelled to go to Grady for their information, and I could fancy them damning him between their teeth as they penned these panegyrics.

That low, damp, ill-ventilated, contracted room in which he pens his family at night, was, quite likely, constructed in the days of Good Queen Bess, or when "George the Third was King," at the latest.

As DECIUS AUSONIUS Gallus, in libris Fastorum, penned the occurrences of the world from the first creation of it to this time; that is, to the reign of the Emperor GRATIAN: so WARNER, in his absolute Albion's England, hath most admirably penned the history of his own country from NOAH to his time, that is, to the reign of Queen ELIZABETH.

And on the Tuesday following, in evident consciousness that his end was near, he penned that cry "for pity and pardon," as Thackeray calls itthe first as well as the last, and which sounds almost as strange as it does piteous from those mocking lips: "The physician says I am better....

"I must make that pig pen a great deal tighter, if they are going to get out and run away every day," said the farmer to himself, as he walked along behind Don and Squinty.

Who dares presume to pen a deed.

And it may be said that some such denunciation of those evils was undoubtedly necessary, and that nobody was better placed to pen that denunciation than M. Zola, who, alone of all French writers nowadays, commands universal attention.

In Washington's last moments Lear held his dying hand and later penned a noble description of the final scene that reveals a man of high and tender sentiments with a true appreciation of his benefactor's greatness.

Why, the Secretary of State, within twenty-four hours afterwards, penned the fiercest dispatch he had ever yet written.

115 collocations for  penned