34 collocations for phrases

Acme commodity and phrase code.

"I submit to your lordship that my learned friend is putting a leading question," said Vodrey, K.C. "Mr. Crepitude," said the judge, "can you not phrase your questions differently?

I only want to see How I'm to phrase my answer.

Now the nineteenth century phrased this conception by talking about the "principle of nationality."

They would certainly have remained content, had he not phrased the conclusion of his speech somewhat as follows: "There are many unpleasant features, fellow-soldiers, in the present situation, but the rest with your help shall be set right again."

It would be difficult to phrase better the conditions of imaginative realization.

As she phrased this conviction to herself, she turned a ring on her white slim finger and had a throb of pleasure in the color of the gem.

For Caput was what is known as an office lawyer and had never gone into court save as an onlooker oras he would have phrased itan amicus curiae.

'Pour arriver au plus haut degré d'inspiration dont il est capable, le devin doit avoir recours à l'emploi de certaines phrases qui se distinguent par une cadence et un parallelisme particuliers.

You can say, on the contrary, "Every other human being ought to have just as good a chance as I have," which is right; and yet you will hear the ideal of democracy phrased a dozen times the first way, where it is expressed once in the second form.

Not that the doctor phrased his emotions in words.

" | BARBARISMS: Words and | Phrases introduced from foreign countries phrases not English; i.e., | (called FOREIGNISMS, ALIENISMS), or not authorized by good | peculiar to some district or province English use.

" As we love to keep up the dance, if we are not leading the reader a dance, we give A Dance in Hoops, as described in a fashionable novel, just published: When the whole party was put in motion, but little trace of a regular dance remained; all was a perfect maze, and the cutting in and out (as the fraternity of the whip would phrase it) of these cumbrous machines presented to the mind only the figure of a most formidable affray.

On the contrary, Defoe portrayed in terse and homely phrases the follies and affectations of the dumb man's fair clients.

" Fielding, he says, was the inventor of a cant phrase, "Goodness of heart, which means little more than the virtue of a horse or a dog."

It is, if I may so phrase it, a double-barrelled illusion.

All the rites connected with her engagement were new and mysterious to Undine, and none more so than the unaccountable necessity of "dragging"as she phrased itMrs.

I have loved you my whole life long, as accurately as we can phrase these matters.

Only to-day I learn that he has been in the habit of addressingas you, Madam, so wittily phrased itof addressing, "as though she were a public meeting," that Royal Mistress, whom it has ever been my most difficult task not to address sometimes as the most charming, the most accomplished, and the most fascinating woman of the epoch which bears her name.

For all this I was very grateful and everything went on very merrily until I came to phrase Number 4.

In direct and simple phrases the narrative proceeds, giving with rare power just the necessary expression to the tale.

And, flying at the astounded Ritualistic clergyman, he had sounded his lungs, caused a sharp pain in his liver, and felt his pulse, before the latter could phrase an intelligent protest.

We have no name for it at court; but, among themselves, they term it by a kind of cant phrase, "a regard for posterity.

He phrased his repugnance so well, and softened it down by so many expressions of attachment to the Duke of Orleans, that he was excused from serving against Spain, and he contented himself with superintending at Bordeaux the service of the commissariat.

"Did you wish to see me?" The woman hesitated a moment, as if trying to phrase her sentence, and then burst out impetuously, with a flood of tears, "Won't you come and help me make my husband come home.

34 collocations for  phrases