407 collocations for pierced

It is the office of the spiritual teacher to pluck out sin; to pierce the heart with a recognition of the enormity of sin, and of its far-reaching consequences; to stir the seared conscience, rouse the apathetic life, thrill the spiritual imagination, and to quicken the heart to better love and to nobler dreams.

And eager to accost the maid, He wandered round the square; With piercing eyes he peered upon The walls that held the fair.

May 'the curse of Cain light on his head who pierced thy innocent breast,' and scared away its angel soul!

The shop, shut in by high buildings, was dark and smelt of aromatic wood and leather, but a beam from a window pierced the gloom and sparkled on the silver.

Suddenly she fell on her knees beside the lounge and cowered among its cushions, while the eyes of the Christ, reproachfully tender, seemed to pierce her very soul.

The flashes, meanwhile, came faster and prolonged their glory, running behind a thin, dead screen of scalloped clouds, piercing the tropic sky with summer blue, and ripping out the lost horizon like a long black fibre from pulp.

It was used either to throw or thrust with, and when it pierced the enemy's shield the iron head was bent, and

For the first time, I perceived that innumerable rays, of a subtle, violet hue, pierced the strange semi-darkness, in all directions.

A woman twenty years her senior, bright, capable, energetic, with a shrewd face and kindly eyes whose keen glance was quick to pierce the flimsy veil of humbug, and a tongue whose good-natured sarcasm had made more than one pretender feel ashamed.

He had to pierce the Gaza line.

I am not cruel, as you think," with a keen anguish in her voice, which seemed to be sharp enough to pierce the very air and go up to the skies.

Now and then a flash of lightning lighted the narrow ravine; occasionally a straggling moonbeam pierced the clouds and shed an uncertain glimmer on the heights; but these flitting guides served only to make the darkness seem darker.

The chief difficulty was to pierce the other wall, for the mortar was very hard.

Bone the joint by carefully detaching the meat from the blade-bone on one side, and then on the other, being particular not to pierce the skin; then cut the bone from the knuckle, and take it out.

There one catches the passionate outcry of the husband vainly trying to pierce the deaf ear of death.

Four bullets had pierced his body.

Tantlatch drummed with his knuckles on a spear-heft across his knees, and gazed idly along the path of a sun-ray which pierced a lacing-hole and flung a glittering track across the murky atmosphere of the lodge.

For a few moments he rolled and dug in the wet mold and earth, pawing madly at the things that pierced his flesh.

"And if Thy Spirit on Thy child hath shed The gift, the vision of the unsealed eye, To pierce the mist o'er life's deep meanings spread, To reach the hidden fountain-urns that lie Far in man's heartif I have kept it free And pure, a consecration unto Thee, I bless Thee, O my God!

And she learned now what she had not understood, though her companion warned her, how sharp are those thorns of earth that pierce the wayfarer's foot, and that those who come back cannot help but suffer because of love and fellow-feeling.

Within the little valley of Brand Death was rife in many and awful shapes that no eye might see, for the many watch-fires were scattered and trampled out; but up from that pit of doom rose shrieks and cries and many hateful soundssounds to pierce the brain and ring there everlastingly.

And, falling on the bloody point, she pierced her bosom through, And Tartagona breathed her last, mourned by that robber crew.

He had a thin face with a sharp nose that looked as if it would peck you, and grey eyes that could pierce a millstone if there was a guinea on the far side of it.

The generals of the empire pierced the forests of the Ardennes with causeways, and founded towns in the heart of the country.

"It would scarcely be possible to pierce the hand here without striking a vein.

407 collocations for  pierced