35 collocations for plain

The apostles preached to plain people, to common people, and lived sometimes by the work of their own hands.

We maun all stand together, especially we plain men and women.

Our Lord Jesus, who spoke, not to philosophers or Scribes and Pharisees, but to plain human beings, weeping and sorrowing, suffering and sinning, like us,told them to be perfect, as our Father in heaven is perfect, by being good to the unthankful and the evil.

It overflows its banks, and spreads its water over all the level plains that border on the river.

But he, whom never grief ne fear could taint, With smiling cheer himself oft willeth me To leave to plain his case, or sorrow make For him; for he was far more glad apaid Death to embrace thus for his lady's sake, Than life or all the joys of life, he said.

At length reviv'd, mid rising heaps of slain She prest with trembling step, the crimson plain; 60 The dungeon's gloomy depth she fearless sought, For love, with scorn of danger arm'd her thought: The cell that holds her captive lord she gains, Her tears fall quiv'ring on a lover's chains!

Better be traitors to blood than to plain duty; but as a matter of fact our mixed blood has many other strains than the Teutonic.

Thirdly, there is a phial labelled Aqua Theriacalis Stillatitiain plain English, distilled treacle-water.

There was, in these movements, as plain an explanation as a seaman could desire, that the pursued were right On reaching the island, therefore, they again luffed into the wake of the schooner; and having nearly crossed the sheet of water, they passed the coaster, receiving an assurance, in words, that all was now plain sailing, before them.

" "You spoke just now of lycanthropy," said Maloney, looking bewildered and anxious to keep to plain facts evidently; "I think I have come across the word, but reallyreallyit can have no actual significance to-day, can it?

"I have not since heard from him; I suppose he knew not what to say to so plain a detected falsehood.

"Well, she sold up the stock-in-trade an' hired a couple o' roomsthe self-same rooms you see: and then she ate less 'n a mouse an' took in needle-work, plain an' fancy: for a lot o' the gentry's wives round the neighbourhood befriended herthough they had to be sly an' hide that they meant it for a favour, or she'd ha' snapped their heads off.

So plain a ground, there's not the least rub in't.

So Beltane took hold upon the great sword, felt the spring and balance of the blade and viewed it up from glittering point to plain and simple cross-guard.

If you were to tell me that you had been only making fun of poor grandmother and me, and that those diamonds are glass, and you only plain John Hammond, it wouldn't make the faintest difference.

2. Romanticism returned to nature and to plain humanity for its material, and so is in marked contrast to Classicism, which had confined itself largely to the clubs and drawing-rooms, and to the social and political life of London.

For these children bore in their countenance, in their name, and in their disposition, too plain an impress of the great past, which they could never entirely ignore while Bonaparte still lived to testify to it.

"Can there need to be argument to prove so plain a point?"Graham's Lect.

They were themselves often clergymen, and were usually utterly inexperienced in wild backwoods life, in spite of their early surroundingsexactly as to-day any town in the Rocky Mountains is sure to contain some half-educated men as ignorant of mountain and plains life, of Indians and wild beasts, as the veriest lout on an eastern farm.

But his greatest triumph as finance minister was in making the country accept without grumbling an enormous income tax because he made plain its necessity.

In all your ways know him well, And he will make plain your path.

C'est égal, je plains les pauvres mères Qui laissent leurs enfants derrière elles ainsi Ainsi parlait l'aïeul, l'oeil de pleurs obscurci, Souriant cependant, car telle est l'ombre humaine.

I sigh for the good times of sewing and spinning, Ere this new tree of knowledge had set them a sinning; The women are mad, and they'll build female colleges, So here's to plain English!a plague on their ologies!

'Tis but what Talthybius said: So plain a riddle, and I read it not.

Thou Greek King, Who deem'st thy fortune now so high a thing, Thou dust of the earth, a lowlier bed I see, In darkness, not in light, awaiting thee: And with thee, with thee ... there, where yawneth plain A rift of the hills, raging with winter rain, Dead ... and out-cast ... and naked....

35 collocations for  plain