21 collocations for posits

And here steps in the profound difference between Atheism and Pantheism; both posit an Existence at present inscrutable by human faculties, of which all phenomena are modes; but to the Atheist that Existence manifests as Force-Matter, unconscious, unintelligent, while to the Pantheist it manifests as Life-Matter, conscious, intelligent.

Besides the theory of knowledge, which forms the central doctrine in his system, Locke had discussed the remaining branches of philosophy, though in less detail, and, by his many-sided stimulation, had posited problems for the Illumination movement in England and in France.

He who posits things as eternal, sublates God.

This posits further differences between the beautiful and the agreeable and the good.

If the categorical imperative posited definite ends for the will, if it prescribed a direction to definite objects, it could neither be known a priori nor be valid for all rational beings: its apodictic character forbids the admission of empirical elements of every sort.

[Footnote 5: Morale d'Epicure, p. 72.] (Lucr. V, 309), posits a spontaneous initiative in the soul-atoms of man: quod fati foedera rumpat ex infinite ne causam causa sequatur.

[Footnote 1: Schelling terms his philosophy of nature dynamic atomism, since it posits pure intensities as the simple (atoms), from which qualities are to be explained.

The ego posits a limit (is theoretical) in order (as practical) to overcome it.

%(c) The Theoretical Ego.%In positing itself as determined by the non-ego, the ego is at once passive (affected by something other than itself) and active (it posits its own limitation).

Supported by the motley manifoldness of phenomena, we posit real beings as qualitatively different, and view this diversity as partial contraposition; we resolve, e.g., the simple quality a into the elements x + z, and a second quality b into

The theoretical ego posits an object (Gegenstand) that the practical ego may experience resistance (Widerstand).

To account for clairvoyant vision at a distance, it is of course necessary to posit some perceptive organ other than the eye, but the fact that in trance the eyes are closed, itself demands this assumption.

We only provisionally posit the possibility of an influence, in its nature unknown, of one mind on another at a distance, such influence translating itself into an hallucination.

Anxiety and hope concerning future events lead us to posit unseen powers as directing our destiny, and to seek their favor.

Instead of positing a purely fictitious process, the process which it alleges proves to be one actually going on around us.

This is possible only as it posits reality in itself only in part, and transfers to the non-ego so much as it does not posit in itself.

This means to affirm or posit one's self, to be a subject-object.

[Footnote 5: Morale d'Epicure, p. 72.] (Lucr. V, 309), posits a spontaneous initiative in the soul-atoms of man: quod fati foedera rumpat ex infinite ne causam causa sequatur.

It is rather true that with them both nature and spirit are alike the products of a third and higher term, which seeks to become spirit, and can accomplish this only by positing nature.

It is a contradiction, to be sure, to say that God is not almighty, just as it is a contradiction to deny that a triangle has three angles: if posit the concept I must not remove the predicate which necessarily belongs to it.

These two principles must be united, and this can be accomplished only by positing the contraries (ego and non-ego), since they are both in the ego, as reciprocally limiting or partially sublating one another, that is, each as divisible (capable of quantitative determination).

21 collocations for  posits