17 collocations for promenades

Dinner was long past, and many of the passengers doubtless turned to thoughts of supper after hours of talk or music or cards; for there were not many promenading the cold, foggy decks of the onrushing steamship.

And I wonder what the devil Jack Robertson would say If he saw us promenading Round the old bullock dray.

So housekeepers think who do not own their own servants; and even this class is but a little better off than the rest, for all darkeydom must have holiday this week, and while their masters and mistresses are making fires and cooking victuals or attending to other menial duties the negroes are promenading the streets decked in their finest clothes."

And ef thar's anythin' in thar," he added, lifting part of a theatrical wardrobe, "that you think you'd fancyanythin' you'd like to put on when ye promenade the wharf down yonderit's yours.

When you promenade your graceful limbs upon a roof, on the edge of a casement, or in some situation equally perilous, you show your dexterity in opposing the bulk of your body to the danger.

Crowds of elegantly-dressed company were promenading the mall, or principal walk, and some few were not incuriously lingering about the enclosed parterres of the garden, whose beauties would soon be transported to a milder atmosphere.

Eventually we shall prefer, unanimously you and I, to slink about the back streets, clothed in our own ideas, rather than promenade the fashionable parts clothed in Robert's.

He had visions night and day in which he seemed to see himself the centre of the literary circle, and as he promenaded the avenue in the afternoons he felt almost inclined to stop people who passed him by to tell them who he was, and thus enable them to feast their eyes on one whose name would shortly become a household word.

As for young Tom, his eyes, I warrant, are on none of these, but on the bevy of blooming girls who promenade the side-path, arrayed in silks and satins and brocades, their eyes alight, their cheeks aglow with the joy of youth and health.

L.T.H. William J. Stevens, for several years local station agent at Swansea, R. I., was peacefully promenading his platform one morning when a rash dog ventured to snap at one of William's plump legs.

They will promenade the seas, always in the ratio of 16 or more to 10, looking for fleets securely tucked away out of reach.

" All of which painfully mortified the two young nurses of Sainte Ursula, especially when passing the fashionably-dressed throng gathered in front of the Willard and promenading Lafayette Square.

" They passed out of the door and began promenading the long walk.

It was at first customary to promenade your partner round the room, doing a kind of balancez to each other in the Polka step before commencing the valse figure.

The Corso forms the evening drive and promenade à cheval of the beau monde.

And I wonder what the devil Jack Robertson would say If he saw us promenading Round the old bullock dray.

The sightseer who promenades a picture-gallery, remarking that this portrait is so like his cousin, or that landscape the very image of his birthplace, or who, after satisfying himself that one picture is about Elijah, passes on rejoicing to discover the subject, and nothing but the subject, of the nextwhat is he but an extreme example of this tendency?

17 collocations for  promenades