42 collocations for purloined

Mammy very often kept the key of the fruit-garden; and as she never yielded it to our entreaties, the ever-ready Fred formed a conspiracy one Sunday afternoon, in which, I am sorry to say, I took a very conspicuous partthe object of which was to purloin the key, and enjoy at last this long-coveted, forbidden pleasure.

"It is as truly a violation of the right of property, to take little as to take much; to purloin a book, or a penknife, as to steal money; to steal fruit as to steal a horse; to defraud the revenue as to rob my neighbour; to overcharge the public as to overcharge my brother; to cheat the postoffice as to cheat my friend.

She had talked too much, said too much, particularly to the other apprentice, that Richard, another foundling, and one of such bad instincts, too, that seven months later he had taken flight, like Alexandre, after purloining some money from his master.

During the debate following the above quoted report, Dentzel accused Lacoste, among other larcenies, of having purloined some shirts belonging to himself; and addressing Lacoste, who was present in the Assembly, with true democratic frankness, adds, "Je suis sur qu'il en a une sur le corps.

Another slave, by the name of Mince, who was a man of great strength, purloined some bacon on a Christmas eve.

And I'm not quite equal to purloining that three hundred thousand dollars.

The fact is that one is purloining experience instead of paying the natural price for it, estimating things by the outside instead of from the inside, and growing thus to care more for the strangeness, the contrast, the picturesqueness of it all, than for the love and the hope and the elemental forces, of which the world is but the garb and scene.

He pillages the cornfield, and pulls up the young shoots of maize to obtain the kernels attached to their roots; he destroys the eggs and the young of innocent birds which we should like to preserve; he purloins fruit from the garden and orchard, and carries off young ducks and chickens from the farmyard.

Among other frivolous crimes objected to him, he was accused of gaining the king's affections by enchantment, and of purloining from the royal treasury a gem, which had the virtue to render the wearer invulnerable, and of sending this valuable curiosity to the Prince of Wales

Did Lacon, did Calæthis' son purloin a goatskin?

This is the dishonesty I spoke of, and not purloining goods or money.

For rats and mice purloin our grain, And threshers whirl the flail in vain: Thus shall the cat, a foe to spoil, Protect the farmer's honest toil,' 90 Then, turning to the dog, he cried, 'Well, sir; be next your merits tried.' 'Sir,' says the dog, 'by self-applause We seem to own a friendless cause.

Those foxes with their bushy tails, I hate to see them crawl Round Micon's homestead and purloin his grapes at evenfall.

She is induced by Iago to purloin a certain handkerchief given by Othello to Desdemona.

you have purloined our hoard!"

Gentlemen (for kings are no better), certain humble animals, called our actors, commend them unto you; who, what offence they have committed I know not (except it be in purloining some hours out of Time's treasury, that might have been better employed) but by me (the agent of their imperfections) they humbly crave pardon, if haply some of their terms have trod awry, or their tongues stumbled unwittingly on any man's content.

These were days of forcible levelings: and my lord who had contravened old Noll's laws against swearing and gambling, fared not one whit better than the tramp who had purloined a leg of mutton from an eating-house.

Victor had been beforehand with her, had purloined the letters and restored the canvas to its frame.

Kennaston could not feel quite at ease with Margaret, brazen it as he might with devil-may-carish flippancy; and Kathleen had by this an inkling as to how matters stood between Margaret and Billy, and was somewhat puzzled thereat, and loved the former in consequence no more than any Christian female is compelled to love the woman who, either unconsciously or with deliberation, purloins her ancient lover.

Lewis had reported all through the settlement that on a certain time I had called at his house, and from a bundle of papers which his wife showed me, I had purloined the note, which had caused me so much trouble.

Many paltry acts of pilfering, such as the unauthorised use of government-paper or franks, or purloining novels or letter-paper from a club, or plucking flowers in a public garden, fall under the same head of real, though not always obvious, thefts.

I had once been tried on a charge of purloining pantaloons, and been acquitted for lack of evidence; but now, here was the proof!

Two years previously I had purloined paper and sneaked out of bed every night at one or two o'clock to write a prodigious novel in point of length and detail, in which a full-fledged hero and heroine performed the duties of a hero and heroine in the orthodox manner.

She dictated to Neville's secretary a letter, which informed John Copeland that he had done what was not agreeable in purloining her prisoner.

res, and purloined his best saddle.

42 collocations for  purloined