4 collocations for putrefying

He will soon be more closely viewed, or more attentively examined; and what folly has taken for a comet, that from its flaming hair shook pestilence and war, inquiry will find to be only a meteor, formed by the vapours of putrefying democracy, and kindled into flame by the effervescence of interest, struggling with conviction; which, after having plunged its followers in a bog, will leave us, inquiring why we regard it.

l. 4. c. 9, contends, "that if one stay longer than ordinary at the bath, go in too oft, or at unseasonable times, he putrefies the humours in his body."

There was the same heaving and putrefying mass,the same ghastly objects of every kind,the grey-headed old man, the dark-haired maiden, the tender infant,all huddled together.

It is now more than ten years since I first commenced a series of experiments with a view of thoroughly testing various methods of purifying sewage and water contaminated with putrefying organic matter.

4 collocations for  putrefying