46 collocations for quaffed

She revelled amongst California grapes and pears, and quaffed the California wines with appropriate delight and hilarity.

I melt most royally time, the pearl, And quaff the cup like a queen, And forget in the dizzy tumult and whirl, The woman I might have been.

Even while quaffing the third draught of the Fountain of Youth, they were almost awed by the expression of his mysterious visage.

Thou shalt eat sweet venison and quaff the stoutest ale, and mine own good right-hand man shalt thou be, for never did I see such a cudgel player in all my life before.

Thou art not colour, fancy, sound, nor form These but the conduits are, whence the soul quaffs The liquor of its heaven.

Adding then, by way of jest, "Golondrina is my guest, 'Tis the wife of some deserter!" Swift as bowstring speeds a shaft, Through the camp was spread the rumor, And the soldiers, as they quaffed Flemish beer at dinner, laughed At the Emperor's pleasant humor.

(He quaffs great goblets of wine.)

Its milk juice was said to confer immortality, the plant itself never decaying; and in a hymn in the Rig Veda the soma sacrifice is thus described: "We've quaffed the soma bright And are immortal grown, We've entered into light And all the gods have known.

Spike bravely tried one of the doughnuts and gave it up as a bad job, but he quaffed the coffee with an eagerness which burned his throat and imparted a pleasing sensation of inward warmth.

RAKEEK TO HIS FEMALE COMPANIONS Tho' the peevish tongues upbraid, Tho' the brows of wisdom scowl, Fair ones here on roses laid, Careless will we quaff the bowl.

Monsieur Mingo for quaffing doth surpass, In cup, in corn or glass.

Despite the injunction of the fair Morgianna, he found himself half unconsciously quaffing three or four glasses to the good health of somebody; he really did not know whether it was King George or President Jefferson.

When Chederlês conies To aid the Moslem on his deathless horse, ... as [if] he had newly quaffed The hidden waters of eternal youth.

Here a gargantuan feast was in progress, to which the three giants did full justice, devouring whole joints and pasties and quaffing vast flagons of wine, to the great delight of the pantler and his wife.

He has never loved any one but himself; he has never suffered from anything but an undigested supper or an exploded pretension; he has never touched with the end of his lips the vulgar bowl from which the mass of mankind quaffs its floods of joy and sorrow.

" I sat down and quaffed a Doctor Funk, and then inquired idly: "Where's David?" "David!" said Hallman.

I am scribbling a muddy epistle with an aking head, for we did not quaff Hippocrene last night.

"À votre, Madame," replied her Lieutenant, quaffing the whole issue in one motion.

At Kamyaka, Kusika's son had quaffed the Soma juice with Indra.

He thought he quaffed Life itself in its distilled quintessence, its pure elixir.

The living automaton went through the same motions as before, and again Elder Brown quaffed the fatal mixture.

For quaffing Toy doth pass, In cup, in can, or glass. All.

These men are generally great drinkers, and think as little of quaffing at a few draughts half-a-pint of whiskey, as an Englishman would the same quantity of malt liquor.

Let us march on unto the house of fame; There, quaffing bowls of Bacchus' blood full nimbly, Indite a-tiptoe strutting poesy.

In olden days "holy fathers" could wear horse-hair shirts and scarify their epidermis with a finer cruelty than their modern successors, and they could, after all that, make the blithest songs, sing the merriest melodies, and quaff the oldest port with an air of jocund conscientiousness, making one slyly like them, however much inclined to dispute the correctness of their theology.

46 collocations for  quaffed