73 collocations for radiating

The action of the sun's rays is considerably assisted by the warm earth which radiates heat into the air; while, in spring, it absorbs every day a proportion of the heat which the sun produces.

He can see one thing everywhere, and all things the sameyet each with a thousand sides that radiate crossing lights, even as the airy particles around us.

She is so superabundantly supplied with eager happiness that she radiates happiness.

In still nights the grass panicles and every leaf and stalk are laden with frost crystals, through which the morning sunbeams sift in ravishing splendor, transforming each to a precious diamond radiating the colors of the rainbow.

Indeed, he radiated a sort of beaming good will; he had a native desire to make everything pleasant.

A youth who is the prey of morbid illusions, so that his life has become a burden, is cured by finding a noble-minded sister, whose whole being radiates peace and self-possession.

These visits radiated an almost daily friendliness which lifted and tempered the old invalid's lot and life.

We have finished: all is over; the lime lights are burning, the coloured fires are radiating their hues, the curtain is falling, and bidding "Adieu" to all our kind readers, we vanish.

The Southern planter and his lady may be filled with the love of St. John, and radiate the beams thereof on every man, woman, and child under their guardianship, and then, "measuring other people's corn by their own lovely bushel," they may well hesitate to believe in the existence of a profligate breeding Pandemonium within the precincts of their immediate country.

She put out her hand, and he radiated joy as he took it.

It was his habit to "snooze" in an easy chair on his porch every afternoon, and Hetty depicted the little man with both feetmeat and woodon the rail, his mouth open and eyes shut, while lusty snores were indicated by radiating lines and exclamation points.

In order to be loved you must radiate love.

" Sahwah came forward, radiating smiles, to meet the twins about whom she had heard so much, and grasped their hands with delighted cordiality.

She radiated consent, but her eyes faltered, and she glanced round the room.

"That is my name," said Mr. Jones, the first smile they had seen radiating his grim countenance.

The brick domes of this building are interesting, as they are probably the earliest examples in India of the use of radiating courses instead of horizontal layers in dome construction.

You of course understand that you are constantly radiating currents of psychic vibrations, some of which flow out to great distances from you, and affect others often far removed from you in space.

If hitherto, in any fashion of faithlessness, thou hast radiated darkness into the universe, humble thyself, and arise and shine.

The fountain and life of it was that love which radiated from the Cross,an absorbing desire to extend the religion which saves the world.

When It came inand I am speaking of it in that personal way because it radiated such an effulgence that I cannot now remember whether it was Harriet or Ann Spencer who brought it inwhen It came in, Dick, who pretends to be abashed upon such occasions, gave one swift glance upward and then emitted a long, low, expressive whistle.

But no words can describe the gigantic Being that sat thereonthe grace, the majesty, its transcendent formand yet I shuddered as I looked, for its superhuman countenance seemed, as it were, to radiate falsehood; every feature was in contradictionthe eye, the mouth, even to the nostrilwhilst the expression of the whole was of that unnatural softness which can only be conceived of malignant blandishment.

She was in the Premier's most playful, God-bless-you mood, and simply radiated favors and goodwill.

It would be well to have several duplicates of each ball, and, as soon as tension through contraction manifests itself, to try the effect of firing very small charges of small shot to ascertain whether such impacts would start radiating fractures.

Each man vied with the other in radiating a blue funk, until the air was as thick as a London fog.

At its inner extremity was excavated a chamber whose dimensions are imperfectly recorded in my notes, but which was certainly much larger than the central cavern from which radiate the principal galleries of the Mammoth Cave.

73 collocations for  radiating