100 collocations for rate

At Sydney you will find the stores which we have ordered to be deposited there for your use, and having carefully rated your chronometers, and taken a fresh departure from the Observatory near that port, and having re-equipped His Majesty's ship, and fully completed her provisions, you will proceed by the inner route to Torres Strait, where the most arduous of your duties are yet to be performed.

When his Odes were first published, Gray perceived the author to be devoid of invention, but praised him for a very poetical choice of expression, and for a good ear, and even thus perhaps a little over-rated his powers.

Mr. King remarked that the four Eastern States, having 800,000 souls, have one-third fewer representatives than the four Southern States, having not more than 700,000 souls, rating the blacks as five for three.

He was sure that North Carolina would never confederate on any terms that did not rate them at least as three-fifths.

Mr. Rutledge (of South Carolina) said, for the sake of the object, he would agree to rate slaves as two to one, but he sincerely thought three to one would he a juster proportion.

However, he certainly over-rated his importance, or at lead his friends deceived him, when they set him up as a rival to Dryden!

SEE Ladies' Home Journal. How to rate another date.

Dear heart, too dearly hast thou bought my love; Extremely rated at too high a price!

The great store of Silke that commeth from China, and the great store of Sugar which commeth from Bengala: the married Citizens pay not any custome for these two commodities: for they pay 4. per cento custome to the king of Cochin, rating their goods at their owne pleasure.

I hear that I am accused of rating my books at too high a price, at a price which no other person would demand.

It has been thought, by some, that Dr. Johnson rated the value of the Falkland islands to England too low.

Comparatively few men thoroughly understand how to rate other men, and to these few men, as in all other great enterprises, must be given the power and authority to select and adjust.

Worse, I felt as if I must be appearing like a cabman rating his Drury Lane wife!

As a whole, it is very superior to the "Election," highly as we were disposed to rate the merits of that performance.

It goes to the very Soul of me to speak what I really think of my Face; and tho I think I did not over-rate my Beauty while I had it, it has extremely advanc'd in its value with me now it is lost.

We are much obliged to you, sir, for your opinion; but we must think that you have over-rated the danger.

In April, 1894, a record was produced before the Supreme Court which showed that the State of North Dakota had in 1891 established rates for elevating and storing grain, which rates the defendant, named Brass, who owned a small elevator, alleged to be, to him in particular, utterly ruinous, and to be in general unreasonable.

It is that which makes many women pose as injured innocents and rate the deserter as a villain.

She rated its devotion and generosity as highly as he appreciated its extravagance and folly; and if he counted me a madman, she was disposed to elevate me into a hero or a demi-god.

" But, without taking any farther notice of the time at which either came to the knowledge of his own genius, let us suppose that the powers of tragedy and comedy were as equally shared between Molière and Corneille, as they are different in their own nature, and then nothing more will remain, than to compare the several difficulties of each composition, and to rate those difficulties together which are common to both.

To rate things otherwise doth argue great weakness of judgment, and fondness of mind.

I rate Mr. EADIE as an actor too high to be much amused by him in obviously EADIE parts.

We rate Thomas Edison as a powerful thinker when we read that he becomes so absorbed in work that he neither eats nor sleeps.

Comte rates the efforts of political economy very low, with the exception of the work of Adam Smith, and will not let them pass as a preparation for scientific sociology, holding that they are based on false abstractions.

Perhaps if we stated the matter more accurately, we should rate the elder at fifty-six, and the younger somewhere about fifty.

100 collocations for  rate