22 collocations for reaffirmed

THE MAHOMEDAN DECISION The Khilafat meeting at Allahabad has unanimously reaffirmed the principle of non-co-operation and appointed an executive committee to lay down and enforce a detailed programme.

[Sidenote: The canon law reaffirms the subjection of women.

Jeremiah now appears again upon the stage, but only to reaffirm the calamities which impended over his nation,all of which he traced to the decay of religion and morality.

Our review of outstanding problems reveals indeed the inconclusiveness of the settlement imposed at Bucarest; but this only witnesses to the wisdom of the Greek nation in reaffirming its confidence in Venezelos at the present juncture, and recalling him to power to crown the work which he has so brilliantly carried through.

It has been so vital that I have a long dispatch to-night, begging me to reaffirm my absolute conviction as to the truth of the information which I have forwarded.

The constitutional character of the tax, when levied without apportionment among the States of the Union, was once more fully argued out in the Supreme Court, which in 1880 reaffirmed its decision of 1789, that a tax on incomes was not a direct tax.

This vote, thus solemnly taken, has never been reversed, and now by the action of her constituted authorities, sustained as it is by popular sentiment, she reaffirms her desire for annexation.

In spite of these gibes, historians have of late years returned to the earlier and truer view, and have deliberately reaffirmed the tremendous effect of the Revolution on English politics.

He reaffirms His fraternity in common life.

The prince, too, was necessary to complete it; necessary, reaffirmed Mr. Heatherbloom to himself, pulling with damp fingers at the inconsequential lock of hair over his brow.

And perhaps the most characteristic of all His dealings with such matters was that incident of the woman taken in adultery, when He at once reaffirmed the need of absolute chastity for mendemand undreamed of by the woman's accusersand put aside the right to condemn which in all that assembly He alone could claim"Neither do I condemn thee; go, and sin no more.

The proposal of Butler's report simply to reaffirm the Cincinnati platform was supported by only 105 ayes to 198 noes.

He protested that they never worried him, and reaffirmed his original proposition.

It has reaffirmed the non-co-operation resolution of the Special Session and amplified it in every respect.

Justin, the nephew and successor of Justinian, reaffirmed the right to divorce by mutual consent, thus abrogating the laws of his predecessors.

He reaffirmed the rules of Basil, but with greater strictness.

*** The Government having reaffirmed their statement that they have "no further fear of submarines," it is felt to be high time that someone in authority should break it to the U-boats that they might as well give it up and go home.

19:7,8, where Jesus reaffirms this truth.

Then another clock: in a more attenuated cobwebbed steeple also struck ten, reaffirming the gloomy view of its resounding brother and insisting that the town clock had treated the subject with sinful levity.

It treats the whole case with the greatest delicacy as well as thoroughness, but it reaffirms the action of 1857 in a way not to be mistaken.

"For better or worse," the dear old minister had said who performed our wedding ceremony, and my heart reaffirmed the words as I bent my eyes again to the closely written pages I held in my hands.

And in its last congress, it reaffirmed its "adherence to the principles of freedom, democracy, and peace enunciated in the Russian revolution.

22 collocations for  reaffirmed