280 collocations for recited

Which books were employed in olden times in reciting the Office?

As they finished reciting the memory verse they heard a hoarse voice singing: Gin a body-hic, meet a body-hic, Coming-hic, through the rye-hic.

And like pupils in a class who recite their lesson, they all murmured that such a course as that is madness.

"By persons deputed for that purpose," therefore, persons in holy orders recite these prayers not in their own name, but as representatives of the universal Church.

It's the word Alec used in describing the voice in which old Mr. Saffron recited his poem, or whatever it was, in bed.

Perhaps it ought to, but in general opinion it doesn't, any more than reciting poetry in bed does.

You'd better go And teach Sahary oxen how to read!" When I recited all these lines to Sy Mahomet Oulyd el-Isnam, who has To the supreme degree the gift of being A bore he said to me, "Now this is song Most flat."

Everyone reciting the canonical hours longed for a great and drastic change.

His excitement increased as Andy recited his story.

Then she handed her the flowers and recited in a clear, impressive voice the following words which Apollonie had composed herself: "Thrice welcome to this home of thine, Lady of Castle Wildenstein.

In Lauds of every feria were recited the psalms, Miserere; Deus, Deus meus; Deus misereatur nostri; a canticle drawn from a prophet and varying each day of the week (e.g., Confitebor, Isaias xii., for Monday's Lauds; Ego dixi, Isaias xxxviii., for Tuesday's Lauds, etc., and the two psalms Laudate (148, 150) and the Cantate, psalm 149).

On his recovery, his mother provided him a private tutor in Greek and Latin, of the name of Ayles, formerly a fellow of King's College, Cambridge; while she herself, and his nurse, a faithful servant in the family for more than fifty years, encouraged his early propensity for English literature; the former by reading to him and the other by making him recite passages out of tragedies, of which the good woman was passionately fond.

The reason for reciting the facts of the Fiume dispute, which was one of the most unpleasant incidents that took place at Paris during the negotiations, is to bring out clearly the consequences of secret diplomacy.

It is Mahomet that recites this tale.

Hewho knows how to construe a few pages of the classics, who knows how to demonstrate a few mathematical problems, scan a few verses, recite a few odes, carry on a few scientific experiments, undertake a small researchhow shall he compete with these rulers of the thought of men?

He that with fixed attention reciteth this hymn at sunrise, obtaineth wife and offspring and riches and the memory of his former existence, and by reciting this hymn a person attaineth patience and memory.

And Fame herself, whose pace is swift, whose voice like fire can run, Grew weary with reciting the deeds that he had done.

I give to each of those whose generous actions have been now recited twenty thousand pieces of gold; but the cup I give to Zadig.

Rachel recited a scene from "Polyeucte" for the author of "Les Martyrs," and for archbishops and cardinals; the Duc de Noailles read a chapter from his history of Mme.

He even went from city to city, a sort of prose rhapsodist, or like a modern lecturer, reciting his history,an honored and extraordinary man, a sort of Humboldt, having mastered everything.

The Colonel, suddenly discovering that he could recite the thing from memory, did so with considerable dramatic effect, seeming not to notice the defection of Bedford.

But Isfendiyár replied: "We have both drank too much wine, and nothing good can proceed from a drunken man; I will recite my adventures to-morrow, when my head is clear."

In reciting the Creed we should think of the sublime truths of our faith, and our hearts should feel, what our lips say, "For with the heart we believe unto justice; but with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Rom. x. 10).

She ascended to the capitol; the assembled Roman poets recited her praises; Prince Castel Forte, the most honoured of Roman noblemen, uttered a eulogy of her; and, ere she received the destined bays, she took up her lyre and in accordance with custom gave a poetic improvisation.

He kept to the last the most vivid recollection of his mother; and every night, before he went to bed, he recited the seven Penitential Psalms for the benefit of her soul.

280 collocations for  recited