700 collocations for recovered

Fortunately for me I knew the wagon-master, John Willis, and as soon as I recovered my breath I told him what had happened.

When I recovered my senses, it was to find that I had been in bed for nearly two weeks.

One morning a man came rushing up to my house and stated that he wanted to get out a writ of replevin, to recover possession of a horse which a stranger was taking out of the country.

It was when you recovered consciousness.

Finding myself, weakened as well as relieved, by the operation, he invited me to rest myself; and while I was recovering my strength, he discoursed with the Brahmin and myself on several of his favourite topics.

After a few days, the Brahmin recovered his ordinary health and strength; and having attended him at an earlier hour than usual, according to his request on the previous evening, he thus addressed me: "I have already told you, my dear Atterley, that I was born and educated at Benares, and that science is there more thoroughly understood and taught than the people of the west are aware of.

He had quite recovered his spirits, and offered me a dram of French brandy, which I refused.

After the defeat of Moscow he was made prisoner, and sent to Siberia, and only recovered his liberty at the end of last year.

She put her hands to her head, and began to tidy her dishevelled hair, which is a sure sign in a woman that she is recovering her composure.

I stood staring, trying to recover my power of attention, with an aspect which ended by completely frightening the man.

" By the time breakfast was over on the following morning, Diggory and his two companions were beginning to recover a little from their first state of bewilderment amid their strange surroundings.

For Nelly Lebrun had been warned by her father, and she was making desperate efforts to recover any ground she might have lost.

He promptly killed the Captain, and probably recovered the money, for it's gone.

It is as though I have to wait a time, recovering my just balance, and digestingas it werethe things I have heard or seen.

And lo! the blind recovered his sight, and came, and publicly gave thanks to the god.

The undaunted driver instantly sprang from his box, tore a stake from a rail fence by the road-side, laid it across under the body of the coach, and was off again before I properly recovered the use of my senses, which were completely bewildered by the jolting I had undergone.

I don't know what to do to recover my property.

"I will tell the police all that we have found out, and they will go there presently and recover the body.

Dalton had recovered his courage and natural haughtiness.

I caught myself wondering whether he would recover tone were he again to put to sea.

I knew that Darrow would hurry as fast as he could back to the valley by way of the upper hills; I knew that he had there several sporting rifles; and I hoped greatly that he and Dr. Schermerhorn might accomplish something before the men had recovered their wits to the point of foreseeing his probable attack.

Our courts have held that the superintendent is a fellow servant, or, as the law states it, a fellow employee, and that, therefore, the man can not recover damages for his injury.

With the intuitive decision of a great commander, Demosthenes at once saw that the possession of Epipolae was the key to the possession of Syracuse, and he resolved to make a prompt and vigorous attempt to recover that position while his force was unimpaired and the consternation which its arrival had produced among the besieged remained unabated.

In the mean time I recovered my temper, voluntarily caused myself to be bound by the same men who tried in vain before, and carried before my young master, that he might do what he pleased with me.

The captain promptly recovered his presence of mind and ordered everything that could check and impede the cannon's mad course to be thrown through the hatchway down on the gun-deckmattresses, hammocks, spare sails, rolls of cordage, bags belonging to the crew, and bales of counterfeit assignats, of which the corvette carried a large quantitya characteristic piece of English villainy regarded as legitimate warfare.

700 collocations for  recovered