35 collocations for recreate

And if jocular discourse may serve to good purposes of this kind; if it may be apt to raise our drooping spirits, to allay our irksome cares, to whet our blunted industry, to recreate our minds being tired and cloyed with graver occupations; if it may breed alacrity, or maintain good humour among us; if it may conduce to sweeten conversation and endear society; then is it not inconvenient, or unprofitable.

She presents life, indeed, in "Romola,"not, however, as she had personally observed it, but as drawn from books, recreating the atmosphere of a long gone time by the power of imagination.

The day I'll spend to recreate my love, With all the pleasures that I can devise, And in the night I'll be thy bed-fellow, And lovingly embrace thee in mine arms.

Granatus, a precious stone so called, because it is like the kernels of a pomegranate, an imperfect kind of ruby, it comes from Calecut; "if hung about the neck, or taken in drink, it much resisteth sorrow, and recreates the heart."

Let me try to recreate La Buissière for you, reader.

" Nay, but a little sleep, A little folding Of petals to the lull Of quiet rainfalls Here in my garden, In angle sheltered From north and east wind Softly shall recreate The courage of charity, Henceforth not to me only Breathing the message.

No Roman road served it, and indeed it was but a small and isolated place till the Middle Age began to revive and recreate Europe.

While the former was digging his brains for crude anthems, worth a pig-nut, F. would be recreating his gentlemanly fancy in the more flowery walks of the Muses.

For, gentle love, at great or nuptial feasts, With comic sports or tragic stately plays We use to recreate the feasted guests, Which I am sure our kinsfolk do expect.

She had seen his Italian villa in Park Lane, the perfection of modern art, modern skill, modern taste, reviving the old eternally beautiful forms, recreating the Pitti Palacethe homes of the Medicithe halls of dead and gone Dogesand now she was told that Rood Halla genuine old English manor-house, in perfect preservationwas even more interesting than the villa in Park Lane.

Why don't you go into the business of recreating houses and selling them to poor benighted creatures like me, who never realize their possibilities?"

Her own girlish dreams had vanished, but her temperament was far too romantic and too poetic not to recreate illusions, even when the old ones had been so ruthlessly shattered.

Neutrality is a state, into which the busy passions of man cannot easily subside; and he who is in danger of the pangs of envy, is generally forced to recreate his imagination with an effort of comfort.

A journey to Canterbury aids us in recreating the life of Chaucer's Pilgrims.

No book-stalls deliciously to idle overNo busy faces to recreate the idle man who contemplates them ever passing bythe very face of business a charm by contrast to his temporary relaxation from it.

Without thinking, he lifted the wooden hat from his head and shouted: "I take off my hat to the one who chose the harbour and founded the shipyard and recreated the navy; to the monarch who has awakened all this into life!" "Thanks, Rosenbom!

These are but striking examples of the fact that, in all his work, Scott tries to preserve perfect harmony between the scene and the action. (4) Scott's chief claim to greatness lies in the fact that he was the first novelist to recreate the past; that he changed our whole conception of history by making it to be, not a record of dry facts, but a stage on which living men and women played their parts.

"It makes a child quiet," the nurse's song, and many times the sound of a trumpet on a sudden, bells ringing, a carman's whistle, a boy singing some ballad tune early in the streets, alters, revives, recreates a restless patient that cannot sleep in the night, &c.

Manifestly I cannot be expected to recreate in a few words this philosophy to which I believe we must have recourse in our hour of need.

Already Spenser had almost recreated English poetry,and it is interesting to observe,

But hear them plead their failing cause again; "It recreates the powers to work amain, Dispels the phlegm, which on the stomach lay, And fits us for the labours of the day.

So did Scipio and Laelius, "Qui ubi se a vulgo et scena in secreta remorant, Virtus Scipiadae et mitis sapientia Laeli, Nugari cum illo, et discincti ludere, donec Decoqueretur olus, soliti" "Valorous Scipio and gentle Laelius, Removed from the scene and rout so clamorous, Were wont to recreate themselves their robes laid by, Whilst supper by the cook was making ready.

Her favour it was fill'd the sail of the Trojan for Latium bound; Her favour that won her Aeneas a bride on Laurentian ground, And anon from the cloister inveigled the Virgin, the Vestal, to Mars; 70 As her wit by the wild Sabine rape recreated her Rome for its wars, With the Ramnes, Quirites, together ancestrally proud as they drew From Romulus down to our Caesarlast, best of that bone, of that thew.

And Leonora, with her eyes still gazing moonward, her head resting back against her arms, which escaped in all their round, pearly strength from her drooping sleeves, spoke slowly, collecting her memories, recreating in her mind's eye that Wagnerian scene of such intense poetrythe glorification and the triumph of Nature and Love.

Driver, though I do recreate my self a little sometimes, yet you know I value my Reputation and Honour.

35 collocations for  recreate