36 collocations for remonstrated

"Marjie, you are taking too thick peels," remonstrated her mother.

"O, let her tell her own secret!" remonstrated Blue.

" "Aw, tst!" remonstrated the blacksmith.

"Uncle, you mustn't shout," remonstrated Camilla gently.

"I would not, Clary," remonstrated Charlie.

Tiffles remonstrated, entreated, suggested compromises, but all to no purpose.

"Now Julia" remonstrated Sadie Corn soothingly.

"But that will take time from your own studies," remonstrated Darrin generously.

It is, doubtless, our duty, my lords, to guard both the rights of the people, and the prerogatives of the throne, and with equal ardour to remonstrate to his majesty the distresses of his subjects, and his own danger.

Roswell remonstrated ere the leading vessel entered, and pointed out to Daggett the fact that the bergs were evidently closing, each instant increasing their movement, most probably through the force of attraction.

"Don't teach her too much; she'll want to be an actress," remonstrated Marjorie's father after listening to Marjorie's reading one day.

Arise, and follow me.' "'But I am alone,' remonstrated the weeping girl; 'and without assistance am unable to repair these ravages.'

"Darrin acted according to his best lights on the subject of duty," remonstrated Mr. Hallam mildly.

The managers, as the companies were now united, exercised the mod despotic stage-tyranny; and obliged our author to remonstrate to them the hardships they inflicted on their actors, and represent that bad policy of the few, forgetting their obligations to the many.

Upon his first discovering his passion to Corinna, she had honour enough to remonstrate to him the inequality of their fortune, as her affairs were then in a very perplexed situation.

Young as Horatio was, and gay by nature, he sometimes loved to indulge the most serious meditations; and this place, as well as the condition of those he served, remonstrating to him the instability of all human greatness, he made this general reflection, that there was nothing truly valuable but virtue, because the owner could be deprived of that only by himself, and not by either the fraud or force of others.

" "Pay," remonstrated the First Lieutenant sorrowfully, "that's the third half-penny for swearing this year.

"My dear!" remonstrated Mrs. Lorimer, with a nervous glance towards her husband.

"Oh, my dear!" remonstrated Louise, not understanding.

The tutor remonstrated, 'My dear good man,' he said unctuously, 'you don't think of my position.

It sounds" "Don't, Elsie," remonstrated Marge.

" "Brother," remonstrated Miss Maria.

she'll cry," remonstrated Marjorie.

It was your own wish to have Lesbia presented this season,' remonstrated Mary, loyal to the absent.

"Thomas," remonstrated the minister severely, "you are not competent to judge of these things.

36 collocations for  remonstrated