7 collocations for replanted

"I suppose," he added speculatively, "that when this war ends these people will replant their trees.

"Then I replant that area to white pine.

Then began a steady repetition of hoeings and plowings, broken by the rush after a rain to replant the hills whose first plants had died or grown twisted.

Fighting Joe Hooker had scaled the stronghold of the storm king and won a victory in the palace chamber of the clouds; the Union soldiers had captured Columbia, replanted the Stars and Stripes in Charleston, and changed that old sepulchre of slavery into the cradle of a new-born freedom.

Very few have now any money to lay out in replanting their vineyards.

The singular perseverance of the conspirators is shown by the fact, that so early as in Lent of the year 1603, Robert Catesby, who appears to have been the prime mover of the plot, in a conversation with Thomas Wintour and John Wright, first broke with them about a design for delivering England from her bondage, and to replant the Catholic religion.

All the people want in time of famine is sufficient seed to replant their farms and food enough to last them until a crop is ripe.

7 collocations for  replanted