5 collocations for repurchase

And Beauchene had even reserved to himself the right of repurchasing that share within a certain period.

Those who know him most intimately feel no sort of hesitation in declaring, that he has again and again been heard to express regret at the earlier efforts of his muse; or reluctance in stating, at the same time, as a fact, that Mr. M., on two different occasions, endeavoured to repurchase the copyright of certain poems; but, in each instance, the sum demanded was so exorbitant, as of itself to put an end to the negotiation.

Thus, friend, did I repurchase that heroic and unchanging love which exists between my wife and me.

Their venture went bankrupt, but the two hung in there and repurchased the mill that they had established in Wales.

The lesser nobles took advantage sometimes of the power they possessed to repurchase this obligation; but the rich, on the contrary, were most anxious to seize the occasion of proudly displaying before their sovereign all the pomp in their power, at the risk even of mortgaging their revenues for several years, and of ruining their vassals.

5 collocations for  repurchase