344 collocations for roars

"Air you a-goin' to have me cashiered and shot, Lieutenant Boggs, fer violatin' the ticktacks of war?" roared the captain, indignantly.

Is't not so, comrades?" "Aye! Aye!" roared a hundred voices.

ho!" roared half a dozen fat men at my faceshusness, and they laffed and shook their sides, ontil I thought they'd colaps a floo and spatter me.

"The fire, with well-dried logs supplied, Went roaring up the chimney wide; The huge hall-table's oaken face, Scrubb'd till it shone, the day to grace, Bore then, upon its massive board, No mark to part the squire and lord.

Here among the rocks the sea boiled and roared its loudest, churning its waters into masses of white froth.

To-night, perchance, we shall see his eyes roll as he roars out the chorus of "D'ye ken John Peel?"

"'Tis bilin'," she muttered, as she peered up and down the yellow, foam-speckled torrent that roared defiance at us; "but, good Land!

But if Nature corners him between rocks heavenward piled on the one hand and roaring torrents on the other, whether to pass is required a bridge or a tunnel, we find either or both designed and built in a manner which cannot be bettered.

" "Say 'sir' when you speak to me," roared the officer.

"Oh, any god!" roared Mr. Tutt.

" "You just wait," roared the retreating bully, shaking his fist at the lads, "I'll make trouble for you yet.

They rushed to the other side of the bridgecaught one glimpse of a dark body fleeting and roaring down the foam-way.

" JONAH A purple whale Proudly sweeps his tail Towards Nineveh; Glassy green Surges between A mile of roaring sea.

Above the bedlam Watkins roared out an order.

He hath had me, with Walkyn and the archer, speak full oft of how we fired the gibbet and roars mighty laughs to hear how thou didst bear off Sir Pertolepe in the greenaye, Sir Benedict doth love to hear tell of that.

I want to speak to you," roared the Duke of Cumberland.

" Beneath, like huge voices speaking a single word all at once, roared the old guns from the Tower and Greenwich and the palaces.

"Good God, boy!" roared Pym, "are you married?" "No," cried Tommy, in agony, "she's my sister, and we're orphans, and did you think I could have the heart to leave Elspeth behind?"

What does this mean?" roared the lieutenant, furiously.

"'Shun!" again roared the Colonel, and those who were now in that military position relinquished itwhile those who were not, assumed it in their own good time.

And then we both collapsed and began to roar wi' laughter.

There is no accounting for their distribution; though provident anglers have assisted nature of late, one still comes upon roaring brown waters where trout might very well be, but are not.

"Earearear," roared the crowd.

The songs had sung themselves out, as the fire changed from roaring flame and flying sparks to a great bed of living coals.

Out of the clouds of spray at the foot of the fall the battered, roaring river gropes its way, makes another mile of cascades and rapids, rests a moment in Emerald Pool, then plunges over the grand cliff of the Vernal Fall, and goes thundering and chafing down a boulder-choked gorge of tremendous depth and wildness into the tranquil reaches of the old Yosemite lake basin.

344 collocations for  roars