56 collocations for rot

There is generally a green, slime-covered, sluggish stream in all these forests, its channel choked with rotting leaves and decaying vegetable matter.

From the dark room behind me, came the occasional, soft thud[10] of falling matterfragments of rotting stone.

clos'd up a festering wound Which rots the heart: like a bad Surgeon, Labouring to plucke out from your eye a moate, You thrust the eye clean out.

It rotted the roots of the trees.

No more my neighbour in his garden sits; My callers now regard the view with groans; For tides may roll and rot the fleshly bits, But what shall mortify those ageless bones?

They were not among houses; but through the windows, under a broad moonlight, he saw a black moor stretching lifelessly from right to left, with rotting trees, pointing fantastic branches in the air, standing here and there in groups, as if they held up their arms and twigs like fingers, in horrible glee at the Judge's coming.

From the fields, as we whirled into and out of layers of air, sharply, as one does in a motor, came now the odor of ripe straw, now a whiff of coffee from a "goulash cannon," steaming away behind its troop like the calliope in the old-fashioned circus, and now and then, from some thicket or across a clover field, the sharp, dismaying smell of rotting flesh.

The silence hung heavy, and he fell to analyzing the forest scents, the odors of mould and rotting vegetation, the resiny smells of pine cones and needles, the aromatic savors of many camp-smokes.

That's whyand because of how you may have to wait, un-com-plain-ing, in rotting idleness for the next tea party.

I pictured them to myself, the many generations, old men and children, man and maid, all bones now, each afloat in his little box of rotting wood; and Blackbeard himself in a great coffin bigger than all the rest, coming crashing into the weaker ones, as a ship in a heavy sea comes crashing down sometimes in the trough, on a small boat that is trying to board her.

All such work of vegetable organisms, whether going on in the moulding cheese, in the souring of milk, in putrefying meat, in rotting fruit, or in decomposing fruit juice, is essentially one of fermentation, caused by these minute forms of plant life.

"Yes, rot his soul."

For the dead there was but a small percentage of coffins available, and 'the great mass are just dropped into the great trench of rotting humanity (in the yard).

The first begetter of Nietzsche's "blond beast," and of all that great flood of rubbish about a strange superior race with whitish hair and blue eyes, that has so fatally rotted the German imagination, was a Frenchman named Gobineau.

H. Rot his impertinence, bid him put in Nebuchadnezzar, and not trouble me with his scruples.

These rotting unsightly 'improvements,' as we call them, will soon be covered over and hidden with beautiful foliage.

" "Thin I'll do me dooty if I rot jest here," declared the simple hero.

From them there comes a smell of rotting leather, as though the infection spreads.

You liveand live in luxuryby the worst vice of our time, the vice which is rotting English life, the vice which will be our national ruin if it goes on much longer.

mi deerest deere it brakes my art all from yu for tu part, i rot them lines this marnin.

Wet cloths are next placed over the leaves, and they are put in a cool dark place, until they rot a little.

In places rotting logs lay half submerged in the water, looking oddly like alligators in the distance.

When Paine's "Rights of Man," reached Lewes, where he married a Miss Olive, the women as with one voice, said, "Od rot im, let im come ear if he dast, an we'll tell him what the Rights of Women is; we'll toss im in a blanket, and ring im out of Lewes wi our frying pans.

So far as practicable, the soil should be renewed every year, by turning in vegetable mould, river sand, and well rotted manure to the depth of about a foot; and every second or third year the perennials should be taken up, and reduced, when a greater proportion of manure may be added, or what is yet better, the whole of the old earth removed, and new mould substituted.

From the main street, with its quaint little shops sheltered from the sun by makeshift verandahs of tattered sacking, weather-stained shingles, or rotting bamboo mats, various little lanes and alleys diverged, leading one into a collection of tumble-down and ruinous huts, set up apparently by chance, and presenting the most incongruous appearance that could possibly be conceived.

56 collocations for  rot