26 collocations for savoured

It is kunnyng withoute science, Wisdome withoute sapience, Bitter swetnesse and swete errour, Right eville savoured good savour; A strengthe weyked to stonde upright, And feblenesse fulle of myght.

Her words savoured a little of obscurity, and her countenance was rather repulsive.

Thus Sir Gui of Allerdale, lord Seneschal of Belsaye town, rode upon his way, with eyes that glowed with the love of life, and tongue that curled 'twixt smiling lips as one that savoured its sweetness or meditated coming joys.

And the fact was that Mrs. Grant, quite unconsciously, did appear to be savouring the catastrophe with pleasure.

But as they were savouring their "double" coffee and liqueurs, and Undine was wondering what her companion would devise for the afternoon, the Princess clapped her hands together and cried out: "Dearest, I'd forgotten!

If was his boast that God Almighty never made a day too hot for him, and to the marrow of them his rheumatic bones felt and savoured the comfort of this blistering weather.

They should beware also of savouring any unknown corruption, or any thing of that kind, that may hinder the work of sanctification.

Unbeliever though he was, he loved the Magdalen's God and savoured the creed that has bestowed on lovers one amorous bliss the morethe bliss of losing their immortal souls.

Up to that time none of the Spaniards had ventured to eat them because of their odour, which was not only repugnant but nauseating, but the Adelantado, won by the amiability of the cacique's sister, consented to taste a morsel of iguana; and hardly had his palate savoured this succulent flesh than he began to eat it by the mouthful.

Having savoured freedom another ten minutes, he sauntered over to the Advance office as a favour to Sam Pickering.

To savour their friendship they took refuge in an attic of the keep, but all the years they had passed together, made the new love flower more sweetly in their hearts, as each knew well.

She savoured the intimacy of the roomthe necessaries on the washstand, the superb tortoiseshell brushes, bought by George in Dublin, on the dressing-table, the open trunks, George's clothes on a chair, and her own flimsy trifles on the bed.

I could but savour the joy, sweet and fresh, that welled up in it as from some secret source.

She knew life at first hand, had drained the cup for herself, and yet could savour the lees.

She savoured the moment as though she had been a watcher, and not an actor in the scene.

She had only to tighten her lipsand she became oblivious of her clumsiness and her cruelty, savouring with pleasure the pain of the situation, clasping it to her!

Cornish savoured his steaming beef pie, with sage.

Dwight Herbert savoured his rarebit with a great show of long wrinkled dimples.

The first was ancient Greece and Romeand he incarnated this passion in the picturesque figure of Julian Casti (in The Unclassed), toiling hard to purchase a Gibbon, savouring its grand epic roll, converting its driest detail into poetry by means of his enthusiasm, and selecting Stilicho as a hero of drama or romance (a premonition here of Veranilda).

Even Alken, in spite of his didactic bent, is as far as possible from being the conventional 'wise shepherd,' and certainly no Arcadian ever displayed such knowledge as he of the noble art, while his lecture on the blast of hag-hunting, though savouring somewhat of burlesque, contains perhaps the most thoroughly charming and romantic lines that ever flowed from the pen of the great exponent of classical tradition.

Mr. Whiston savoured these things, and Rose in this respect was not wholly unlike him.

The gloom of nightfall had come upon us, and I could no longer see his face distinctly, but his voice told me that he still savoured that triumph.

Quite recently I passed through Cambridge, and, with the suggestions of Mr. Spender in my mind, I paused to savour the atmosphere of the place.

She savoured her unhappiness.

My song that once was as a little sweet Savouring the daily bread we all must eat, Lo!

26 collocations for  savoured