27 collocations for sawe

the 15. day we were likewise at Sea, and sawe no land: and the 16.

After breakfast we went to see the towne, and passing along we went into some of the Greeke churches, wherein we sawe their Altares, images, and other ornaments.

At Sudely Castle her Majesty was received by an old shepherd with a long speech; whereafter we read: 'Sunday, Apollo running after Daphne,' a show accompanied by a speech from another shepherd, at the end whereof, the metamorphosis safely accomplished, 'her Majesty sawe Apollo with the tree, having on one side one that sung, on the other one that plaide.'

The 19 day we tooke fresh victuals aboard, and with the bote that brought the fresh provision we went on land to the Towne, and went to see the Church of Sancta Eufemia, where we sawe the bodie of the sayd Saint.

I heard, and sawe their mangled carcases.

Also we sawe another rocke about two miles compasse called Sant Andrea; on this rocke is only one Monasterie of Friers:

LXXVIII Lackyng my Love, I go from place to place, Lyke a young fawne that late hath lost the hynd, And seeke each where where last I sawe her face,

* I sawe an Harpe, stroong all with silver twyne, And made of golde and costlie yvorie, 605 Swimming, that whilome seemed to have been The harpe on which Dan Orpheus was seene Wylde beasts and forrests after him to lead, But was th'harpe of Philisides** now dead.

But when they came to the sea side againe, they went vp a little hill standing hard by the brinke, whereon as they thought, they sawe the hill of Ierusalem, by the which the Pilot knew (after his iudgement) that we were past our port.

Edmund Spenser, the poet of The Faerie Queene, writing in 1596, bears this striking testimony to the Irish horse-soldier and inferentially to the Irish horse: "I have hearde some greate warriours say, that, in all the services which they had seene abroade in forrayne countreys, they never sawe a more comely horseman than the Irish man, nor that cometh on more bravely in his charge."

Neuer in all my life did I see so great a citie; for it conteineth in circuit an hundreth miles: neither sawe I any plot thereof, which was not throughly inhabited: yea, I sawe many houses of tenne or twelue stories high, one aboue another.

Heere we sawe the hunting of the Whale, (a strange pastime) certaine Indians in a Canoa, or boate following a great Whale, and with a harping Iron, which they cast forth, piercing the whals body, which yron was fastned to a long rope made of the barkes of trees, and so tied fast to their Canoa.

I never sawe a Jemme so precious, So wonderful in substance and in Art.

I sawe Fryar Jhon, arm'd dreadfully with weapons Not to be worne in peace, pursue his lyfe; All which I'l tell the abbott.

dye The widowe doth receave whatere's found due, Yf not by will disposed otherwise; Which often happeneth to be such a sume As they togeather never sawe the like.

Yet according to the order that we set for our ryce, when we sawe those fisher men, there was left sufficient for foure dayes.

There was not any want of bread nor of wine: but the wines of that countrey are so hot that being drunke without water they will kill a man: neither are they able to drinke them: when we beganne to want water, I sawe certaine Moores that were officers in the ship, that solde a small dish full for a duckat, after this

"She was so and so pitous She wolde wepe if that she sawe a mous Caught in a trappe."

Being come to Bethlem we sawe the place where Christ was borne, which is now a chappell with two altars, whereupon they say masse: the place is built with gray marble, and hath bene beautifull, but now it is partly decayed.

My Lord, I had a vision this last night Wherein me thought I sawe the prince your sonne Sit in my fathers garden with Hyanthe Under the shadow of the Laurell tree.

I sawe not any such. Raphael.

Also we sawe another rocke about two miles compasse called Sant Andrea; on this rocke is only one Monasterie of Friers:

When first I sawe thee (Though but with a meare cursorye aspecte)

Also, many other hainous and abominable villanies doeth that brutish beastly people commit: and I sawe many moe strange things among them which I meane not here to insert.

This man Abdoll wee found to bee a captiue or slaue, and sawe there his wife and children in very poore estate dwelling in a little cottage not so bigge as an hogsty: but by oure meanes he was made free and well rewarded.

27 collocations for  sawe