142 collocations for seat

The church will comfortably seat about 1,000 persons; 1,700 have been seen in it; but there had to be much crushing, and all the aisles, &c., had to be filled with standing people to admit such a number.

This little theater could seat about 1,000 people, and its seating capacity was taxed many a time long before the Grand opera house in the rear was constructed.

A small wood fire was crackling in one of those old-fashioned country grates, and beside it was seated a strikingly handsome young man, who was reading earnestly out of a fat little book.

"Armida," said Rinaldo, in a voice full of tenderness, "be calm, and know me for what I amno enemy, no conqueror, nothing that intends thee shame or dishonour; but thy champion, thy restorerhe that will preserve thy kingdom for thee, and seat thee in house and home.

Sylvia, seated several guests away from the aisle, saw little of the procession as it went up into the chancel.

In the buggy was seated a lady, and beside her a little boy, dressed in a child's sailor suit and a straw hat.

In addition to their work in seating the crowd that throng to The Temple either for Sunday services or the many entertainments that fill the church during the week, the Ushers' Association itself during the winter gives a series of fine entertainments.

Upon these steps were seated a number of children, with books in their hands.

In the centre of the top half was the Madonna with Child, seated, a male and female figure on either side.

One of the worst things which Napoleon ever did was to seat his brothers on the old thrones of Europe.

" We went down to the margin of the lake, and a few rods from the shore lay a little craft like our own, in which were seated two gentlemen, the one with a flute and the other with a violin.

In the machine was seated a pretty girl of about Peggy's age, though rather stouter.

The Ephesian theatre was capable of seating sixty thousand spectators.

Hence he refused to join the great Powers in re-seating the king of Spain on his throne, from which that monarch had been temporarily ejected by a popular insurrection.

And next is seated a woman, who, student of a noble profession, thought that liberty had greater claim upon her than even her work.

Unwilling men come not without constraint; But uncompell'd comes Chester to this place, Telling thee, John, that thou art much to blame, To chase hence Ely, chancellor to the king; To set thy footsteps on the cloth of state, And seat thy body in thy brother's throne.

"After they were seated the host, tapping upon a small table, continued: 'Over this passed the important telegrams of the war of 1866.'

The people of Arras are uncommonly dirty, and the lacemakers do not in this matter differ from their fellow-citizens; yet at the door of a house, which, but for the surrounding ones, you would suppose the common receptacle of all the filth in the vicinage, is often seated a female artizan, whose fingers are forming a point of unblemished whiteness.

Then the mother of George, called Tururo, or the Queen, and who is regarded quite as a sybil by the whole tribe, approached Hongi with the greatest respect and caution, and seated herself some paces from his feet.

Then, Mucedorus, do as thou didst decree: Attire thee hermit-like within these groves; Walk often to the beech, and view the well; Make settles there, and seat thyself thereon; And when thou feelest thyself to be athirst, Then drink a hearty draught to Amadine.

The only colored person in the room was a stout and very black man, wearing a broadcloth suit and a silk hat, and seated a short distance from the door.

Here shall JOSEPH come in, leading an ass, on which are seated MARY and the CHILD.

It can refuse to seat any member who comes from a district where voters have been disfranchised; it can judge for itself whether this has been done, and there is no appeal from its decision.

It is suggestive to seat one's self upon these solid granite seats, where twenty-five hundred years ago some grave Etrurian citizen, wrapped in his mantle of Tyrrhenian purple, his straight-nosed wife at his side, with serpent bracelet and enamelled brooch, and a hopeful family clustering playfully at their knees, looked placidly on, while slaves were baiting and butchering each other in the arena below.

" "I am displeased, for your shot might have taken his life, andbut, see yonder, Teddy, what does that mean?" Close under the opposite bank, and several hundred yards above them was discernible a long canoe, in which was seated at least a dozen Indians.

142 collocations for  seat