12 collocations for sidled

"Pauvre garçondid you think that I would strike you?" The boy surrendered the oars and sidled aft like a crab, his eyes still rolling at his passenger.

Right things do come in so terribly askew, like good old Mr. Isosceles, sidling up the broad aisle of a Sunday!

However, "in verdure clad," I was persuaded into wearing them, and stiffly sidled off, a badgered biped, my head swinging round the circle, and my voice hanging on the verge of profanity all the way.

The horse squealed, arched himself in the air and sidled down the driveway.

Already he had sidled some six feet.

So the purveyors continued to mount to their apartment, and Ralph, in the course of his frequent nights from it, found himself always dodging the corners of black glazed boxes and swaying pyramids of pasteboard; always lifting his hat to sidling milliners' girls, or effacing himself before slender vendeuses floating by in a mist of opopanax.

Racey sidled his horse closer to Rack.

Suddenly the boy stopped groaning, swung Simpson's kit-bag on his shoulder, and sidled up the pier.

Then he seemed to sidle round southward, not slanting wholly out his morning cheeriness until the noonday glory slanted in.

Our drivers were standing together a little way off, so I sidled up to her a step or two, that we might have a little quiet talk.

During two years he braved the winters, in which he declared hackney-coaches were drawn by four horses on account of the snow; where men were blown flat down on the face by the winds; and where even 'experienced Scotch fowls did not dare to cross the streets, but sidled along, tails aloft, without venturing to encounter the gale.'

Having succeeded at last in forcing an entrance, and bowing over the hand of his noble hostess, which must have sadly ached, and returned her mechanical words of welcome with a smile as galvanic as her own, Howard sidled his way along the walla waltz was in progressand collided against the "beautiful and bounteous" Bertie, who was mopping his brow and looking round despairingly for his partner.

12 collocations for  sidled