7 collocations for silhouetted

The pigeon's mate came floating through the blue sky that silhouetted the trees in the garden.

I saw him silhouetted dark against the sky line.

Nevertheless, the night glow of the great city silhouetted the figure of a man black against the shining of the half-raised window-panes.

That is, he got away from the square of the open door, where the faint starlight might vaguely serve to silhouette his body.

As we went along in the darkness these farms silhouetted their dreary remains against the faint light in the sky, and looked like vast decayed wrecks of antique Spanish galleons upside down.

Indoors, indeed, the prospect had its Christmas-card picturesqueness; snow-clad roofs, snow-laden boughs, silhouetted tracery of leafless trees; but we said that it was a soulless spectacular display, the beauty of death, and the abhorred coldness thereof.

Over against the west, a little to the north, the gray heavens were visiblea lightning seemed to run over thema ghastly red lightningsharply silhouetting the chimneyed housetops.

7 collocations for  silhouetted