94 collocations for skipped

Some few children skip ropes, or step carefully across the cracks of the sidewalk for fear they spoil their suppers.

If I skip Christmas, she'll not mind it, she'll be the only onethe only one in all Barnbury.

she saw a very glossy black hat come skipping down the steps, felt a violent twitch backward, and, to save herself from a fall, sat down on the lower step with most undignified haste.

You'd better not skip the next chapter, because something is going to happen.

" "Mean to skip the country?

You'll only skip the page, you'll look For newer pictures in this book; You've read of sunsets rich as mine.

" Helen's heart skipped a beat.

Now and then some one idly skips a stone over the water.

And I wonder what it is in you (do you know?) that inclines you to hurry along and skip a little now and then, that you may discover whether Marjorie ever married Hollis?

And the spark of John Wingfield, Knight, skipping generations before it settled on a descendant, had not chosen John Prather for its favor.

The American student, after rejoicing in the victory at Yorktown and the end of the War of Independence, generally skips about eight years to 1789, mid his interest in the history of his own country recommences with the inauguration of President Washington.

"If you please, sir," said Jack, "I shall skip the details until later.

I watched till yer comes out, and den I skips roun' ter head yer off yere.

Madly she tore the letter open, and read with the haste of a person anxious to drain the cup of bitterness at a single draught, skipping a line here and a line there, taking in only the significant words.

I skipped a lot because I had only just lately read it, and pretty soon I was reading about in the middle of it, where they start off in the ship.

I went through the whole of Dennis' performance and never skipped a note, until a smart white man yelled: "Where is the tail of your ourang outang?"

This killed most of them at once, but in the case of the survivors it descended to the legs, skipping all the intervening parts of the body, and wrought injury to them.

For thee to bloom, I'll skip the tomb And sow my blossoms o'er! Pray gather me, Anemone,

Found she had just skipped the town with a young Englishman by the name of Bovoir, who had been paying her polite attentions for some time, having bowied or otherwise squelched a man for her within a week or two.

The next week I skipped two evenings, and the next, three, and flattered myself I was doing bravely.

Even during the first week, the child is expected to skip two feedings during the night, making the interval four hours instead of two.

" "O luxurious youth, then will I, and shame thy nice luxuriousness!" quoth Beltane; and off came hauberk and quilted gambeson and away skipped Sir Fidelis into the green.

Then, all at once, there appeared running and skipping over the ground towards him a great company of girlsscores and hundreds of them scattered over the plain, exceeding in loveliness all lovely things that he had ever beheld.

" "Look here," said the blacksmith, "can't you skip the girl and get back to the Devil?"

I skipped Greeley, fur he warn't no Dem'crat; an' I voted fur Tilden an' Hancock an' Cleveland; but when it come to votin' fur a cyclone fr'm N'braska,jest wind an' nothin' more,I kicked over the traces.

94 collocations for  skipped