7 collocations for sloshed

And as he chewed and swallowed and sloshed the coffee round in his cup in order to get the full benefit of the sugar he wondered whether it was Jack Harpe or Bull to whom he was indebted for the butcher knife.

" "Let us now suppose that you sloshed that tiger cub, and let us suppose further that word reached its mother that it was being put upon.

He sloshed the scotch and ice cubes around in his glass.

"Most of the time," I answered; for it had just sloshed a few barrels of water from one of those flying clouds and forced us to cover ourselves up.

Now and again we got out of our dug-out and sloshed down the trench to scheme out some improvement or other, or to furtively look out across the water-logged turnip field at the Boche trenches opposite.

When the water grew quite black, he opened the door, swept it outside and sloshed fresh water upon the grimy boards.

A puddle gathered about her knees in the bilge, sloshing fore and aft as the craft pitched, killing the natural buoyancy of the canoe so that she dove harder.

7 collocations for  sloshed