11 collocations for song

WOODSIDE, FREDA S. Style in singing and song interpretation.

"Givin' me, Mike Finn, song an' dance about not bein' home, wid me fri'nds outside on the lawn watchin' him troo de windy, laffin' loike a hayeny.

An unhorizoned range, Our hour of doubt and change, Gives song a nightless day, Whose pen with pregnant mirth Will give our longings birth, And point our souls the way?

Everyone is very cheerfulone hears laughter and song all dayit's delightful to be with such a merry crew.

The Nun feels a touch of his humor: "Ful wel she song the service divyne, Entuned in hir nose ful semely.

MEPHISTOPHELES We heard erewhile, unless I'm wrong, Voices well trained in chorus pealing? Certes, most choicely here must song Re-echo from this vaulted ceiling!

But I for Herodotos' praise am fain to do honour unto his four-horsed car, and to marry to the strain of Kastoreian or Iolaic song the fame that he hath earned, handling his reins in his own and no helping hand.

"It could not be that love should here be stern, Or beauty fail to sway with sov'reign might; These from so blesséd scenes should something learn, And swell with tenderness, and shape delight: These groves have had their power, And bliss, in by-gone hour, Hath charm'd with sight and song the passage of the night.

PENTHALIS (as leader of the chorus) Forsake ye now of song the joy-surrounded path, As toward the portal-wings turn ye forthwith your gaze!

See Eighteenth-century literature Aurora Leigh ([a:]-r[=o]'rä l[=e]) Austen, Jane; life; novels; Scott's criticism of Bacon, Francis; life; works; place and influence Bacon, Roger Ballad, the Ballads and Sonnets Barchester Towers Bard, The Bard of the Dimbovitza (dim-bo-vitz'ä), Roumanian folk songs Battle of Agincourt (English, [)a]j'in-k[=o]rt)

ROOT, GEORGE FREDERICK, a popular American song-writer, born at Sheffield, Massachusetts; was for some time a music teacher in Boston and New York; took to song writing, and during the Civil War leaped into fame as the composer of "Tramp, tramp, tramp the Boys are Marching," "Just before the Battle, Mother," "The Battle Cry of Freedom," and other songs; was made a Musical Doctor by Chicago University in 1872 (1820-1895).

11 collocations for  song