38 collocations for sot

A casual glance convinced me that I was not receivin into the buzzum of my family manshon a deputashun from the Skeensboro Lodge of Good Templers, for a skalier lot of whiskey-soked human beins I never sot eyes on.

I reckoned you wouldn't want ter wait until I'd sot the whole table over again.

Ye see he bed got the game outen the steel, an' was tryin' to sot the trap again so as I wouldn't know it.

anybody I sot sto' by, but I would n' sell it, no indeed, suh, I would n'.

He's got folks out to Indianny, an' we sot out fur to go a-cousinin', five year back, an' we got out there inter the dre'fullest woodsy region ever ye see, where 'twa'n't trees, it was 'sketers; husband he couldn't see none out of his eyes for a hull day, and I thought I should caterpillar every time I heerd one of 'em toot; they sartainly was the beater-ee!"

You doan 'pear ter be ez fon' er me ez you oughter be.' "Chloe did n' keer nuffin fer Hannibal, en had n' keered nuffin fer 'im, en she sot des ez much sto' by Jeff ez she did de day she fus' laid eyes on 'im. En de mo' fermilyus dis yer Hannibal got, de mo' Chloe let her min' run on Jeff, en one ebenin' she went down ter de qua'ters en watch', 'tel she got a chance fer ter talk wid 'im by hisse'f.

And then that dear child proposed we should take Dorothy with us, knowin' Aunt Trypheny would ruther see her than any Emperor or Zar, and I gin my consent to that, and we sot off, Dotie happy as a Queen at goin' with us.

So dat when he sot em free.

un sot a triple etage

Mars Sam wuz settin' by de table, w'en Mis' Polly come downstairs, slow an' solemn, an' stood dere in de middle er de flo', all in black, till Mars Sam sot a cheer fer her.

I'd hit this water over the fellow, and all his play-acting merryandrews, if ever he sot a foot here!"

My mammy nursed him and took it from him and died before Mr. Abe Lincoln ever sot her free.

Took up the carpets in that part of the house, took down the curtains and moved the furniture, used all the precautions I could to escape with life and limb if possible, and insure the safety of my dear but misguided pardner, and then I sot down in the parlor bedroom, the furthest I could git without goin' upstairs, and let the tide of events sweep by me or sweep me away, and I didn't know which it would be.

So I sets to work, an' whenever I seed a thing crawlin' I sot my fut on it an' crushed it, an' soon filled my breast pocket.

Fer he sot a heap er sto' by me, Sam did, an' I know he 's be'n huntin' fer me

Miss Agnes sot the hens her own self.

"When the Yankees come through they sot the house afire and the gin and burned up 'bout a hundred bales a cotton.

I was turrible sorry for his fatherfine old boy!and he looked like he'd drop dead hisselfbut, by gosh, friend, when the stretcher took Steve to the rear the old man jest sot them clean-cut jaws o' his'n, an' kep' his gold-wired gig-lamps to the front.

Josiah and I sot a little in the shadder, but where we could see plain.

I sot still fer mebbe five minutes.

O' course he done it to sot their minds easy, to show 'em he wa'n't quite a sperrit yit, but jest their own ole frien' who 'd ben out in the boat with 'em so many, many times.

He acted some as Miss Bobbett did when she sot up her niece, Mahala Hen, in dressmakin' for fear Miss Henzy's girl would git all the custom and git rich.

"Ole Mars Dugal' McAdoo," he began, "bought dis place long many years befo' de wah, en I'member well w'en he sot out all dis yer part er de plantation in scuppernon's.

And all the while I sot there seein' them contendin' armies contend I wuz thinkin' of poor Oom Paul and his brave fight for liberty, and at last losin' all and dyin' broken-hearted in a strange land.

She just sot there with the flushes comin' in her cheeks an' the tears shinin' in her pretty eyes till my heart ached.

38 collocations for  sot