76 collocations for splash

There is no heap of sand in a corner, nor is there a tub of water; for the practical teacher knows how little hands, if not little feet, with their vigorous but as yet uncontrolled movements would splash the water and scatter the sand with dire effects as to the floor, which the theorist fondly imagines would always be clean enough to sit upon.

Near three hours before he needed, the Colonel got up and splashed his way through a toilet at the tin basin.

Every place we show the lot is one sea of mud, and when we get the rings made they seem like a chain of lakes, and in galloping around the rings the horses splash mud and water clear to the reserved seats.

Then Beltane sheathed his sword and, stooping, caught Sir Pertolepe by the belt and dragged him into the shade of the willows, and being come to the stream, threw his captive down thereby and fell to splashing his bruised face with the cool water.

I am by nature extremely susceptible of street affronts; the jeers and taunts of the populace; the low-bred triumph they display over the casual trip, or splashed stocking, of a gentleman.

Twice Flint essayed the feat and failed, splashing a good deal of water over the floor.

Fore God, a fair mark!" Ruins of Jamestown The ball struck four or five feet to Robert's left, and in front of him, splashing up a jet of water Map of the period

Flower stands splash the street corners with color in the downtown shopping district, and the wares glow in the show windows like exotic blooms under glass.

Puss feared her lit-tle kits would drown, And did her best to get them out; While Lil-lie dipped them up and down, And splashed the wa-ter all a-bout.

And in Revelations Blood came out of the wine-press, till it splashed The bridles of the horses; and the seas Were all turned into blood.

Parker and the cowboys were just splashing their bronchos into the water at the lower ford.

Oz history would have been dismal, indeed, had Dorothy not splashed a bucket of water over the Wicked Witch, wetting her from head to foot.

He followed that impulse long enough to throw himself sidling along the floor, so as not to betray his real strategic position to those at the door, and he splashed two bullets into the wall, trimming the side of the window.

But Lanpher, heeding not at all Molly's cries of warning, spurred his sweating horse through the thimble-berry growth, breaking down three shrubs, and splashed cat-a-corneredly across the spring, the brook, and several rows of flowers.

"Oh!" in choked accents of fury from Pinky; and she brought a hard young fist down in the waterspat!so that it splashed ceiling, hair and floor impartially.

My eyes were full of tears, and I was afraid they'd go splashing down my cheeks, if I even winked my lashes.

Peter assembled his find and began splashing his heavily molded chest with a feeling of well-being.

"I figure a man's taking a lot of chances if he don't keep his teeth clean and everything," Skinny spluttered as the water splashed down his chin.

This was in itself nothing extraordinary, and indicated only the activity of those within, but while I looked an irregular patch of incandescence suddenly splashed the cliff opposite.

As he was passing at the back of the house his maid-servant happened to throw a basket of cowdung on the manure heap and some of it accidentally splashed his clothes.

The day long, Gilding all the duller seemings With the roselight of our dreamings, Splashing clouds with sunlight's gleamings, Here and there and all along.

In great panic she flung down the pail, splashing the contents over the officer, and ran screaming to the house.

The oars dipped, and they were off, regardless of the low surf which splashed its crest over the gunwale as the boat turned.

One man was carrying a fat sheep in his arms toward the motor-boat, splashing knee-deep in the water and shouting advice to everybody else, and in the end that was the only piece of plunder they got away with.

For pots of water dyed crimson with goolal powder are ready, and everybody has licence to splash everybody when he gets a chance.

76 collocations for  splash