19 collocations for splinter

went their guns, and the shot came whizzing close over us, splintering the wood about us in all directions.

Your blood be on your"His speech was interrupted by a shot from the crowd, which splintered the window-casing close to Josh's head.

Hostile gun butts had splintered her front door; why not a stray bullet or two through her back window?

A bullet lodged in the stern of the boat, another splintered the end of an oar, and then the rifleman's nerves must have got the better of him.

They smashed and splintered every fragment of wood in the house; they built trails of chopped wood wherever big vegetation was springing; they made a pyre for the rat bodies and soaked them in paraffin.

The few shafts of sunlight that had pierced their pillared gloom were lost in unfathomable depths, or splintered their ineffectual lances on the enormous trunks of the redwoods.

Killed a young goat; and lamed another, so that I catched it, and led it home in a string: when I had it home, I bound and splintered up its leg, which was broke.

When Ossian from Knockfarrel went, a band Of merry maidens, trooping hand in hand, Came forth, with laughing eyes and flowing hair, To share the freedom of the morning air; Adown the steep they went, and through the wood Where Garry splintered logs in sullen mood Pining to join the chase!

There followed a shuffling of feet, and the crash of wood as though the butt of a gun had splintered a door panel.

At last, maddened by the biting rays, I collected half a dozen copra bags, splintered a piece of kauri pine, and after rigging up one bag as an awning, I spread the others on the planks and fell asleep.

The fury of the battle seemed to concentre there, and through the time-worn walls the shot was plunging, splintering the planks and beams, and shivering the stone foundation.

One shell through the door-step, another in the chimney, a third shattering a rafter, a fourth carrying away the legs of a chair in which an officer was seated; others severing and splintering the posts in front of the house, howling through the trees by which the dwelling was surrounded, and raising deep furrows in the soft earth.

He splintered purgatory into fragments; what he offered was an earthly paradisehumanity given eternal absolution, freed of fear, prejudice, hatredabove all, of fearand certain of endless life.

Sahwah shrieked and darted in pursuit, whereupon the Kaiser collided with a tree and drove his whole head and shoulders through the paper form of Many Eyes and splintered her ribs like toothpicks.

The tree was nearly fifty feet high and at some time a stroke of lightning had rent it, splintering the trunk.

De Catinat heard a dull crash, as when an axe splinters its way into a rotten tree, and the man fell like a log, laughing horribly, and kicking and striking with his powerful limbs.

Kilduff and Shorty Rhinehart, crouching against the grade, were splintering the windows one by one with nicely placed shots.

I stayed, because of a shot through my leg which splintered the bone.

Sinclair heard the bullets bite and splinter the woodwork close to the floor.

19 collocations for  splinter