14 collocations for squashed

Many, calling themselves philanthropists and Christians, have omitted to squash a fly when they had an opportunity of so doing; nay, some of these people have even been known to go the length of writing verses on the occasion, in which they applaud themselves for their own humane disposition, and congratulate the object of their mistaken mercy on its narrow escape from impending fate.

I hugged and kissed them both, and almost squashed Tom's buttonhole into his pink coat, I was so pleased, but he said he didn't mind; and then we all went down together, and no one else was ready, so we looked through the rooms.

now I remember, now I understand *caída* f. fall *caja* f. drum; *echar con s destempladas* send away angrily *calabaza* f. pumpkin, squash; *dar s* jilt, reject *calabozo* m. cell,

Together the worthy souls almost squashed the small lad like a butterfly under a harrow.

"Why, if he'd laid hold of me just once, he'd of squashed my muscles like they was rotten fruit!" Of one accord they turned back to the house.

This seemed like a fine idea to Elephant, who promptly flopped down on the grassalmost squashing Nibbles, who was already snoozing under him.

Who squashed the Orsini?

pie Pumpkin pie No. 2 Pumpkin pie without eggs Simple custard pie Squash pie Squash pie without eggs Sweet apple custard pie Sweet potato pie Cake General suggestions for preparation of Cake made light with yeast Cake made light with air Recipes: Apple cake

Sir Walter Scott said of his "Baviad and Mæviad, that "he squashed at one blow a set of coxcombs who might have humbugged the world long enough."

No. 2 String beans Canned pumpkin and squash Table topics.

Why, I loaded you with good things yesterday, I gave you more Potatoes, squash an' turkey than you'd ever had before.

X 2.2 .3 X Squash 90.3 1.1 X 1.4 .1

Like the tiger, however, who, once having tasted blood, is consumed with the lust of killing, Sahwah, having squashed one bug, itched to do the same with all the others in the tent, and when tidying-up time came there began a ruthless campaign of extermination.

No suburban warfare this; none of that hideous, burrowing, blowing up, methodically squashing out yard after yard of trenches and men.

14 collocations for  squashed