13 collocations for sterner

Those who recollect Dr. Parr will remember how stern a rule his factotum Sam exercised over him.

So stern a charge before, And never had they felt the sweep Of Scotland's broad claymore.

Strength never planted upon the earth so stern a foot.

No rest we had; often our friends to greet The longing came; but vain regrets we stilled; By tablets stern our hearts with fresh resolve were thrilled.

Nor did the grace and skill which he exhibited in the management of his steed commend him less highly to sterner judges, who did not fail to discover that his limbs, though light, were in the highest degree vigorous and athletic, and they prognosticated most favourably of his chances of success in the jousts.

" Carlen looked up apprehensively into his face; never had she seen there so stern a look.

One could not help thinking of Dives and Lazarus, that strange parable that has so stern a moral.

Because Hugo makes us conscious of that tragedy of temperament, that sterner Necessity of character, that resistless compulsion of circumstance, which is the modern and positive expression for the old Destiny of the Greeks, and which in some expression or other is now an essential element in the highest presentation of human life.

Now, one of the few sports my father did not look askance at was fishing, and he would endure my being out at night with, as he thought, poor man, old Pete Perring, who was as stern a Puritan as himself; but I had livelier friends, and more adventurous.

But that in tasks of public duty proved, Onward with faith inflexible he trod; Alike by Fortune's dazzling lure unmoved, Or stern Necessity's relentless rod.

" "Don't you remember buying something here a week ago?" he asked, in as stern a tone as his good nature would allow him to employ.

* Beheld, so high upon the dreary deeps It seem'd in heaven, a ship, the shape thereof A dragon wing'd and all from stem to stern Bright with a shining people on the decks, And gone as soon as seen. . . . . .

"Thou false, lying priest!" said he in so stern a voice that the man of law shrunk affrighted, "I am no false knight, as thou knowest full well, but have even held my place in the press and the tourney.

13 collocations for  sterner