4 collocations for straine

I pray will you keepe my worke a little, Mistris; I must needes straine a little courtesie in truth.

Nay straine no curtesie, you shall goe before.

Take a pint of Cream and straine four Eggs into it, and put a little Salt and a little sliced Nutmeg, and season it with Sugar somewhat sweet; then take almost a penny Loaf of fine bread sliced very thin, and put it into a Dish that will hold it, the Cream and the Eggs being put to it; then take a handfull of Raisins of the Sun being boyled, and a little sweet Butter, so bake it.

A packe of the bravest Spartan Dogges in the world; if they do but once open and spend there gabble, gabble, gabble it will make the Forest ecchoe as if a Ring of Bells were in it; admirably flewd, by their eares you would take 'em to be singing boyes; and for Dewlaps they are as bigge as Vintners bags in which they straine Ipocras. Omnes.

4 collocations for  straine