91 collocations for subscribe

Those desirous of receiving the paper containing this new | | serial, which promises to be the best ever written by | | ORPHEUS C. KERR, should subscribe now, to insure its regular | | receipt weekly.

Indeed, as the document was ready for signature, it became a grave question whether the remnant which remained had sufficient faith in their own work to subscribe their names, and if they failed to do so its adoption by the people would have been impossible.

Some friends of the Anti-Slavery Society subscribed a small sum for him, and sent him back to his family in Gibraltar.

Investigate this and decide upon it; and write your decision on a piece of paper, and put it into the silver urn which you see placed near the golden table, and subscribe the initial letter of the kingdom from which you come; as F for French, B for Batavians or Hollanders, I for Italians, E for English, P for Poles, G for German, H for Spaniards (Hispani), D for Danes, S for Swedes."

It is in the Number of these that I beg leave to subscribe my self, Tom Trippit.

A man is asked to subscribe ten dollars to a church affair, who cannot afford it, but his spiritual insight might save the impending church quarrel.

The delegates from South Carolina and Georgia distinctly avowed that, without this guarantee of protection to their property in slaves, they would not yield their assent to the Constitution; and the freemen of the North, reduced to the alternative of departing from the vital principle of their liberty, or of forfeiting the Union itself, averted their faces, and with trembling hand subscribed the bond.

If members of the electoral body, or others, are willing to subscribe money of their own for the purpose of bringing, by lawful means, into Parliament some one who they think would be useful there, no one is entitled to object: but that the expense, or any part of it, should fall on the candidate, is fundamentally wrong; because it amounts in reality to buying his seat.

He just goes down to his political club and subscribes so many thousand pounds towards the party expenses.

It was not enough to eject him from office,his inability to subscribe the test oaths would have done so much,but he was to be replaced by that one of his political and literary antagonists whom he most sincerely disliked, and who still writhed under his lash.

I am not more sensible of his injustice, than I am, sir, of your [sic] candour, generosity, and good sense I have found in you, which has obliged me to be with a very uncommon warmth your real friend, and I heartily wish for an opportunity of showing I am so more effectually than by subscribing myself your very "Humble servant.

Some of the exiles, however, among whom was Mamiani, refused to subscribe the proposed engagement, simple as it was; but they returned after a time to their homes, merely promising allegiance.

He was afterwards at the University, and he has described the scruples of an ingenuous youthful mind about subscribing the articles, in a passage in his Church-of-Englandism, which smacks of truth and honour both, and does one good to read it in an age, when "to be honest" (or not to laugh at the very idea of honesty) "is to be one man picked out of ten thousand!"

I have preserved a claw of one of the latter, which weighed thirty pounds: this I shall bring home with me, lest my friends should think that, in this particular, I take too liberal an advantage of the traveller's privilege, which I assure you I do not, when I subscribe myself Your sincere friend.

This liberty was formally established in 1865 by an Act of Parliament, which altered the form in which clergymen were required to subscribe the Thirty-nine Articles.

The other 320 and more were really orthodox men, induced by artifices to subscribe a Creed which they understood in a good sense, but which, being worded in general terms, was capable of being perverted to a bad one.

'He asked Dr. Parrbut in vainto include in the epitaph Johnson's title of Professor of Ancient Literature to the Royal Academy; as it was on this pretext that he persuaded the Academicians to subscribe a hundred guineas.'

He then, of his own accord, offered to subscribe the declaration, and with some difficulty accomplished the task.

"All my life, from boyhood," he complained, "have I not subscribed my pfennigs to provide Christmas presents for the poor Boers suffering under the heel of England.

I speak this as well by subscribing the initial Letters of my Name to thank him, as to incite others to an Imitation of his Virtue.

For some time a notion had been cherished by the Scottish clergy, that the king at Carisbrook had not only subscribed the covenant, but had solemnly

The official style required that all persons presenting petitions should subscribe themselves "Your Majesty's humble serf."

The friends of the University generously subscribed for its support an "emergency fund" of more than $100,000.

Really, in this one phrase Messrs. BLACKWOOD have covered the ground so comprehensively that I have little more to do than subscribe my signature.

From this is derived the phrase of signing instead of subscribing a paper.

91 collocations for  subscribe