9 collocations for suches

Yet littill Richard, Aimons youngest sonne, Is suche a man your envye cannot taxe hym.

In 1491 Henry VII levied an amazingly heavy tax upon personal property, that is to say, two fifteenths and tenths upon all "movable goodes cattales and othre thinges usuelly to suche xvmes and xmes contributory," with the exception of Cambridge and a few other favored towns.

And suer it errd in't: tys no gordyon knott That tyes suche a disparytie together.

And whan thei seen the fox thei schulle have gret marveylle of him, be cause that thei saughe never suche a best.

It most frequently occurs in Wilson's "Rhetoric," where is inserted an epistle composed of ink-horn terms; "suche a letter as Wylliam Sommer himself could not make a better for that purpose.

That if suche an affectyon manadge you, Tys not the man or sexe that causes it But the styll groweinge vertues that inhabytt The object of your love.

And of the rotenesse and other thing that was with in the schippes, grewen suche buscaylle and thornes and breres and grene grasse and suche maner of thing; and of the mastes and the seylle zerdes; it semed a gret wode or a grove.

Why, all thys is a tryfell; suche a blast As should not move a weake reede.

This brest so can not bende to suche a wronge, That she shold dye and I to live alone.

9 collocations for  suches