7 collocations for supplie

Je supplie le Conseil de se mettre dans l'esprit de la population française.... M. VESSITCH:

As for the boy, this fatall instrument Was mark'd by heaven to cut his line[20] of life, And must supplie the knife of Atropos, And if it doe not, let this maister-piece (Which nature lent the world to wonder at) Be slit in Carbonadoes for the jawes Of some men-eating hungrie Canniball.

The last of the reports, brief and unsigned, read as follows: "Mon petit garçon est très gravement malade, et je supplie Dieu à genoux de ne pas me punir si severement, de ne pas me prendre mon enfant.

I may supplie the man you wish to have.

I live from hand to mouth, from day to day, and have I but to supplie my present and ordinarie needs I am satisfied....

En ces moments difficiles l'interprète les sentiments du peuple serbe qui supplie Votre Majesté de vouloir bien s'intéresser au sort du Royaume de Serbie.

Je supplie le Conseil de se mettre dans l'esprit de la population française.... M. VESSITCH:

7 collocations for  supplie