458 collocations for surpasses

It has been said of old, that "surpassing beauty is often coupled with an unhappy fate."

"We know that there are some who have given Mr. | | Prendergast's plan a trial, and discovered that in a few | | weeks its results had surpassed all their | | expectations.

To have Bob liberated, and restored to them, was approaching perfect happiness, though it surpassed her powers not to dread misfortunes.

In the extent and the variety of inventions, in their rapid improvement and utilization for human needs, and in general scientific progress, the sixty-three years of the Victorian age surpassed all the rest of historic time.

So it was assumed that as surely as Mohammed must have surpassed his predecessors in perfection and in wonders, so surely must all the principles and precepts necessary for his community have been formulated by him.

I there found myself in the presence of two ladies, one youthful and of surpassing loveliness, the other haggard and wrinkled.

He abandoned poetry and took to history, though Tegnér says of him that if he had devoted himself to poetry, he would have surpassed all his contemporaries.

The way in which the ancients came greatly to surpass other men was no other than this, that they carried out well what they did, so as to affect others.

The awe, consternation, astonishment and admiration, surpassed description.

Animal forms were abundant; many of them were new to science; and among them was one of surpassing interest, the small crinoid, of which you have a specimen, and which we at once recognised as a degraded type of the Apiocrinidoe, an order hitherto regarded as extinct, which attained its maximum in the Pear Encrinites of the Jurassic period, and whose latest representative hitherto known was the Bourguettocrinus of the chalk.

"The tomb of St Thomas the Martyr," writes a Venetian traveller who had seen it, "surpasses all belief.

The calculation was wrong, all the calculations were wrong: the reality of this war surpasses everything which we had imagined, and it has been glorious to experience on so grand a scale that reality always surpasses the conception.

Perceiving that Pierre was serving it, however, he offered his own glass, and enjoyed a delicious instant, as he swallowed a beverage that much surpassed any thing he had ever known to issue out of the waxed and leaded nozles that, pointed like so many enemies' batteries, loaded with headaches and disordered stomachs, garnished sundry village bars of his acquaintance.

Among the thoughts of Leonardo is one which comes to mind with peculiar force before this work when we know its story: "Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master".

With the exception of the Scriptures, Shakespeare's dramas have surpassed all other works in molding modern English thought.

In making affirmations and promises you surpass all mankind in audacity, but in the contests themselves beyond uttering some words of abuse and defamation you are most weak and cowardly.

"Well, this surpasses my hopes," she said, "although I was aware we are nearly on a level with the more improved tastes of Europe: still, I thought we were a little inferior to that part of the world, yet.

" He struggles against her enchantment, returns home, finds his wife surrounded by her suitors, joins in their bow-drawing contest, and, in a most exciting and dramatic scene, surpasses all rivals and claims his faithful, beautiful Penelope.

Her vanity, her treachery, her oppression, her self-exaltation, and her defiance of the Almighty, far surpass the madness and wickedness of Edom.

Whatever surpassed their comprehension was regarded by the ancients as a miracle, and every extraordinary degree of information attained by an individual, as well as any unlooked-for occurrence, was referred to some peculiar interposition of the deity.

Tennyson continued to write poetry until almost the time of his death; but with the exception of his short swan song, Crossing the Bar, he did not surpass his earlier efforts.

He left Normandy and Maine to his eldest son Robert: he wrote to Lanfranc, desiring him to crown William King of England: he bequeathed to Henry nothing but the possessions of his mother Matilda; but foretold that he would one day surpass both his brothers in power and opulence.

The exterior of this vast church, with its great doors, rose-windows, and beautiful Gothic towers, the northern one of which (295 ft.) has alone been finished, is of surpassing grandeur and beauty, and nothing could be more sumptuous or more impressive than its interior.

When you perceive that in any way you have surpassed the original, you should feel a just pride in your achievementand should resolve that next time your cause for pride shall be greater still.

Strenuous preparations for the winter campaign were made on both sides and the recruiting for the new British army surpassed all previous records, the serious menace of the war being at last recognized.

458 collocations for  surpasses