96 collocations for telegraphing

On July 16 General Noriel telegraphed Aguinaldo as follows: "An American has come here who says that he is a Colonel of the Army whom we should obey; and that it is your desire.

He noted how with Stapyltonian thrift Patricia telegraphed ten words precisely....

In view of the fact that I found it impossible to make an absolute denial, I telegraphed the President stating the facts and offering to make them public if he considered it wise to do so.

It was then about two in the morning, and as soon as possible he telegraphed the news of the death to Chantebled.

This logic did not commend itself at all to the runaway, whose sole ambition now was to borrow enough money to telegraph a message of penitence to his father.

(b) You are telegraphing a metropolitan paper the results of a Congressional election.

I want you to telegraph your bank to meet my check.

Five minutes later I had telegraphed my acceptance, and had mentally selected books enough for a dozen vacations.

It was just what I expected,a jolly citizen telegraphing his country friend to meet him with his guns and dogs at such a place.

"Indeed, I will get my friend the British Consul to go round and see the old man and telegraph the address if he obtains it.

General Hancock immediately responded, and on August 14th telegraphed an order on the commandant at Fort Ellis, near Bozeman, for such escort as would be deemed necessary to insure the safety of our party.

"If there is any real trouble remember to telegraph your Uncle Allandid you write down his address, 11 Broad Street, New York?

(b) You are telegraphing a metropolitan paper the results of a Congressional election.

Mr. Spalding telegraphed full instructions to his wife, and later in the day I learnt that everything had been satisfactorily arranged.

A boyhood friend telegraphed his intention of coming down from Massachusetts and joining the searchers.

Simultaneously, the German Consul telegraphed protests to his Ambassador at Constantinople, and was told that Germany could not interfere in the internal affairs of Turkey.

Betty telegraphed this question to her friends with her eyes.

At 10.50 A.M. he telegraphed General Anderson saying that his troops were being forced, by threats of violence, to retire from positions which they had taken, and asking Anderson to order his troops to avoid difficulty with the Insurgent forces.

The one thought in his mind now was to telegraph McAdams, so as to circumvent the plans of those rascals in Chicago.

"I've telegraphed the Paris agent of a big furniture dealer in Rouen," explained the latter as they drove on, "canceling an appointment for to-morrow.

I believe that a direct understanding is possible and desirable between Your Government and Vienna, an understanding whichas I have already telegraphed Youmy Government endeavors to aid with all possible effort.

After the battle Gen. Pope, who was in command of the department of the Northwest, telegraphed the war department that the Indian war was over and asked what disposition to make of the troops then under his command.

The daughter fell ill at the last moment, and her parents first telegraphed her excuses for dislocating the party, and then repeated them earnestly on arriving.

"Not at all," says Popof; "the order has come from Pekin to telegraph the arrival of the treasure.

"Will you kindly telegraph Elizabeth that I shall start for home tomorrow?

96 collocations for  telegraphing