4 collocations for thinge

Staye, frend, I am a stranger in these parts And woold in one thinge gladly bee resolved.

All which thinges beyng considered, I hope that diuers knowing what euil, and mischief there is in daunses, will giue them ouer and cast them away, thinking or supposing, that in that, that thei haue retained & fauoured them, euen unto this present, they haue rather done it thorowe ignoraunce, than thorowe stubburnesse or selfe will.

Which thinge also Dauid declareth in the sixty and eight psalme, saying, the Lord hath geuen an argument, occasion or matter unto the women, who also haue song accordingly: It was then a solomne (as a man would say) or publicke thankes geuing, which they rendred, or gaue unto God, singing or setting forth him to be the author of their deliuerance.

Tis such a deynty peece of purity Such a coy thinge that hee unto whose lott She shall hereafter fall may boast himself To bee a happy husband.

4 collocations for  thinge