10 collocations for tholed

"Mother, now I shall thee tell, If I not die, thou goest to hell: I thole death for thy sake." endure.

ken how lang I can thole my breeks."

I wud ha'e let ye enjoy yer pairty in peace, but what wi' the forebodin's o' ma auld frien' an' the scent o' the hens an' pigs, I could thole nae longer.

I can't think, my God, that any heart of man ever tholed the appalling nightmare and black abysm of sensations in which, during those four long desert months, I weltered: for though I was as a brute, I had a man's heart to feel.

All for man he tholed shame, endured.

Now thou's turned out, for a' thy trouble, But house or hald, To thole the winter's sleety dribble, An' cranreuch cauld!

I will never forget the first day that I got my regimentals on, and when I looked myself in the glass, just to think I was a sodger who never in my life could thole the smell of powder!

[Obs.]; tiebeam &c (fastening) 45; thole pin^. board, ledge, shelf, hob, bracket, trevet^, trivet, arbor, rack; mantel, mantle piece

But what a winter of cold fear I thole, Freezing my heart, lest danger should betide me!

ken how lang I can thole my breeks."

10 collocations for  tholed