92 collocations for tightened

" The Armenian deportations gave the Committee an opportunity of tightening its hold over the provincial officials as well.

Mrs. Homan tightened her grip on the pancake turner; Sarah Jane uneasily moved her long fingers within reach of a sturdy little red-and-white pepper-pot.

" So saying, Beltane tightened his belt, drew on his hood of mail and laced it close, and turning, found Sir Fidelis close by to aid him with the hooded smock; and Beltane wondered to see him so pale and his slender hands a-tremble.

So, turning aside into the denser green, Beltane stayed, and sprang down to tighten the great roan's saddle-girths, strained in the encounter.

" Henshaw put down the chisel and for some moments kept silence, tightening his thin lips as though in strenuous thought.

She tightened her grasp with her hands until she felt her gloves split, and then risked another glance ahead.

There was no sign that this threat had made the easy traveller tighten a single muscle.

The gong signaled Half-speed, the rhythmic clash of engines began, and Lister felt Terrier tremble as she tightened the rope.

Nothe other way As Carolyn June tightened the rear cinch on the Gold Dust maverick and turned toward the door of the stall with: "Look out, boysI'm coming out!"

"Look here, Old Fellow," she spoke sharply, tightening the reins as she touched his flank with her spur, "we haven't time for foolishness!

But so great were the complications of the involved Venetian machineso many were the mysteries and fears environing the daily life of these patriciansthat each felt the actual to be safer than the untried unknown, and surrendered the hope of change, tightening the cords that upheld the government as their only means of safety.

"Dat 's a mighty fine whip yer got dere, Kunnel," said Ben, while the young man was tightening the straps of the harness on the opposite side of the horse.

"The bird has flown, but the bat remains, captain," said one of the troopers, tightening Quasimodo's bonds.

Polly remembered that in the illustrated papers photographs appeared of this wonderfully knotted piece of string, so contrived that the weight of the frame could but tighten the knots, and thus keep the window open.

Remove the boiler from the fire, and allow the cans to cool gradually, tightening the covers frequently as they cool.

"Come with me, then," I answered; and as she shrank away, I tightened my clasp of her waist and drew her forward.

When a true woman puts her finger for the first time into the tiny hand of her baby, and feels that helpless clutch which tightens her very heart-strings, she is born again with the new-born child.

At first the significance of it did not come to him; then he straightened himself with a jerk that tightened the thong about his neck until it choked him.

" "Hold hard, hold hard," murmured Camaroncocido, tightening his fingers.

Wash the rice, tie it in a pudding-cloth, allowing room for the rice to swell, and put it into a saucepan of cold water; boil it gently for 2 hours, and if, after a time, the cloth seems tied too loosely, take the rice up and tighten the cloth.

Then, somehow, the thought of Cissie looking out on that chilly sky through iron bars tightened Peter's throat.

I'm trying to arrange for you to go North on the first decent transport" "I want to stay with you, Curt," she pleaded, tightening her arms around his neck.

My gloves tightened my hands as I tried to pull them off, and was tugging at them, when a door opened, and Veronica came in.

" A bead of perspiration rolled down Mr. Aiken's brow, and he tightened his handkerchief about his throat, as though to stifle further conversation.

" "So are we like to be crushed 'twixt hammer and anvil," quoth Sir Hacon, tightening the lacing of his battered casque.

92 collocations for  tightened