9 collocations for tiresome

Therefore, I say that if a young man's heart is not set on children, and tiresome dinner parties, the young girl presents to him no possible ideal.

So many virtues are a reproach too discreet, too tiresome a critic of our eccentricities, not to arouse your pride at last, and when that is humbled, farewell to love.

The best master in a bad class of lumbering and tiresome fiction was the author of the book which is the text of this chapter.

I am this night arrived here, and have just set down to rest me after eight days tiresome journey.

"What tiresome nonsense these people talk," said Sir Antony, calmly, to me.

"I mean that Aunt Blanche and that tiresome Pegler of hers had already been here a week and nothing had happened.

What people love is the power of being able to excludenot necessarily disagreeable people, or tiresome people, but simply people who would like to be inside "'Loving not, hating not, just choosing so.'

Come, this minute, you tiresome child, it's dinner time.'

" We have had to accept a good many things with calmness since papa made that tiresome speculation in South America.

9 collocations for  tiresome