8 collocations for titter

"Caterpillar!" echoed the Butterfly, and "Caterpillar!" tittered all his volatile companions, till the air seemed broken into little silvery waves of fairy laughter.

Often, when chased, it was heard tittering round corners.

"If you make such pretense in either case," tittered Dave Darrin, "then you're a liar!

All the ladies watched to see what Mrs. Washington would do with her portion; and next day there were tittering remarks all through the fashionable part of the town over the fact that she had martyred herself and swallowed the dose.

"As the Student tittered the last sentence, he bowed down his head, and a few tears stole silently down his cheek.

The elfin lad that is so braw, He'll sometimes hide among the straw; He's sometimes leering from the loft He's tittering low and tripping soft.

What though, in solemn Silence, all Move round the dark terrestrial Ball? What tho' nor real Voice nor Sound Amid their radiant Orbs be found? In Reason's Ear they all rejoice, And titter forth a glorious Voice, For ever singing, as they shine, "The Hand that made us is Divine." AELIANUS CLAUDIUS (Second Century A.D.)

"Sure to be," tittered his wife.

8 collocations for  titter